Who you leaning towards in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Who will take over the reigns of shitting on this nation?

  • Mrs. Benghazi

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Who gives a fuck?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Colonel Sanders

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Chafee Scrotum

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle Jeb

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Uncle Ben Carson

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ayn Rand

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Four Eyed Perry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Fatboy from Jersey

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Haughm

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • O'Malley

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Legit leaning towards The Donald after he laid into that MSNBC faggle. Dude has some balls and makes all these career politicians tremble awkwardly in their little space boots. My vote is meaningless in California regardless, so may as well offer it to this vunt. Though I'm open to Tony Wakeford's retarded grandchild if he can offer some convincing arguments and/or paintings.
i can understand Trump's appeal. he's NOT a politician, and even though he says some pretty batshit things, you feel like he probably believes what he's saying, and he's not just pandering to try to gain favor like your typical scumbag say-what-you-want-to-hear-then-do-whatever-they-want politician. it's really refreshing to hear someone actually say what they mean. on the other hand he's fucking insane and delusional and could never in a million years be able to win the general election, so if he actually wins the nomination the republicans will be handing the presidency to Komrad Sanders or Hilldog on a silver platter and all of their worst fears will come true. they offered absolute fucking garbage the last two times, let's see if third time's the charm.
Legit leaning towards The Donald after he laid into that MSNBC faggle. Dude has some balls and makes all these career politicians tremble awkwardly in their little space boots. My vote is meaningless in California regardless, so may as well offer it to this vunt. Though I'm open to Tony Wakeford's retarded grandchild if he can offer some convincing arguments and/or paintings.

On a semi-serious note..... yeah. If the Pubs nominate Trump, it's all over. Nominate Jeb or Rubio if you want to stand a chance in the general election.

But his nomination won't occur. The Republicans NEED this one, and he certainly won't be making any friends in the primaries. If he keeps up the "real talk," he'll be out quicker than an up-and-coming young actress on a date with Bill Cosby.
the idea of another Bush or Clinton as president should be absolutely nauseating to anyone in america. escaping monarchies and dynasties is why we fucking fled europe* in the first place!#$

*or whatever dirt floor shithole you came from
Mine moved here from Northern Europe and Scandinavia and I still hate them for it.
On a semi-serious note..... yeah. If the Pubs nominate Trump, it's all over. Nominate Jeb or Rubio if you want to stand a chance in the general election.

But his nomination won't occur. The Republicans NEED this one, and he certainly won't be making any friends in the primaries. If he keeps up the "real talk," he'll be out quicker than an up-and-coming young actress on a date with Bill Cosby.

I'm hoping he doesn't get the nod and runs as an indy. Lofnl @ ye pulling for a socialist btw. C'mon Justin, this is America.:tickled:
Lofnl @ ye pulling for a socialist btw. C'mon Justin, this is America.:tickled:

You mean that guy who's statistically less liberal than Clinton, Carter AND FDR? Do you even know what socialism is? Not saying it's you, but the same people spouting the "Obammer is a socialist!1!" shite are typically the same ones who think the Nazis were Communists. And actually believe what they read in chain emails.


I'm hoping he doesn't get the nod and runs as an indy.

That is the WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO if you want a Republican to win the GE. He will take a shitload of votes from the people who'd be voting for a right-winger anyway.
Dude openly calls himself as such. If people expect folk to call Jenner a chick because that's what he identifies with, may as well offer this Horowitz the same courtesy.

Posting from PS4 atm, cant help ye. Dude has called himself a socialist and democratic socialist a multitude of times. I'm not going to dissect what he meant by the monikers, waste of my time. I don't vote lib breh.
I did Google it. Found a video of him saying it at the White House Correspondents Dinner, which is the political equivalent of a roast and/or stand-up comedy routine.

The rest were links to sites with names like The Lonely Conservative and Escape Tyranny, based on supposed statements made to his "inner circle" in which he said something comparing himself to a president in a movie.
You mean that guy who's statistically less liberal than Clinton, Carter AND FDR? Do you even know what socialism is? Not saying it's you, but the same people spouting the "Obammer is a socialist!1!" shite are typically the same ones who think the Nazis were Communists. And actually believe what they read in chain emails.

I wonder who you'd think is the most liberal. This happens with every election cycle. Liberals come out to tell conservatives how non-liberal their liberals are based on factoids presented by other liberals. Yes, Bernie Sanders is a socialist. Period. In his youth (many centuries ago) he was a member of the 'Young People's Socialist League'. He believes the government should steal more money from wealthier people to give to others. Pretty clear cut. Sick of seeing semantic based arguments fly in the face of common sense. Whether or not he considers himself a Socialist is irrelevant. I hardly believe he would be able to hold his own against a Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, or Trump regardless. Rubio and Jeb are the best bet for a Dem win. We need less pussy-footers.

That is the WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO if you want a Republican to win the GE. He will take a shitload of votes from the people who'd be voting for a right-winger anyway.

I do hope the two dunderheads from Texas make it far along with Trump. It'd make for good SNL skits.

Coming from a Texan, do not vote for Cruz or Perry if they make it. Both are morons. Plus, Cruz is canadian.
Welcome back.

I wonder who you'd think is the most liberal.

Carter, by a country mile.

This happens with every election cycle. Liberals come out to tell conservatives how non-liberal their liberals are based on factoids presented by other liberals.

Actually, it was from a study made by Princeton University. OH NO, POLITICAL SCIENTISTS! Higher Education! LIBRULS!!!!!! Many factors were weighed, scaled and placed into a complex matrix. I know -- academics. :bah:

Sick of seeing semantic based arguments fly in the face of common sense.

And I'm tired on non-educated, non-investigative DUMBASSES invoke "common sense" to mean "I don't feel like actually researching this or thinking about things presented by people much smarter than me." Look at those *facts* RiA posted above that could be refuted in two minutes. SO MANY people do this -- politically and otherwise, from both sides -- and it needs to stop. Just because you know how to check your oil doesn't mean you can take a snippet from FOXNews and know the intricacies of foreign policy or healthcare.

I know little about Sanders' politics. I just like the name Commie Sanders.