Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
what do you expect from a country that makes a shitfest like Duck Dynasty a hit show and now thinks it's cool to be a redneck?
from the onion

Obama Supporter Has Perfectly Improbable Explanation Absolving President From Blame For Scandals

CORTLAND, NY—Amid mounting scrutiny over scandals involving last September’s attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, the IRS’ alleged targeting of conservative groups, and the Department of Justice’s spying on the Associated Press, Obama supporter Jake Maynard reportedly devised a perfectly implausible explanation Thursday that frees the president from any blame. “Look, he’s the President of the United States of America; how could he possibly be involved in or aware of every single high-level action taken by the prominent government agencies he oversees?” said Maynard, noticeably perspiring as he explained the completely illogical reason why the President of the United States will emerge from this week’s scandals unscathed. “Let’s watch this thing play out. I have no doubt that in a week, more than enough evidence will come out showing he had nothing to do with any of this. You’ll see.” Maynard, whose voice quavered several times during his asinine explanation, ended his perfectly invalid defense of the president by stressing that this was all politics and that “none of this would even be happening if the president were someone other than Obama.”
While I can see the argument that they're back office bullshit, Executive Orders, etc. have some similarities. That said, there are stark differences.

Bush started two wars, Obama is winding them down.

Bush's fiscal irresponsibility created a depression, Obama has worked to slowly restore the economy.

Bush opened Guantanamo Bay, Obama is working to close it.

Bush pushed for DOMA, Obama is working to overturn it.

Bush made the world hate Americans, Obama has done a lot to restore our standing abroad.

Bush tried to kill Bin Laden, Obama did.

Obama has given us the Healthcare Reform, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, help save the American auto industry, and ended don't ask don't tell, etc.

Obama is by no means a great President. However, it's fair to note that he has both inherited the worst political situation of any President and the most vitriolic and obstinate Congress in history. While history may judge Obama as average, it will likely judge Bush as the worst President we've ever had.

Obama has also gotten screwed by the incredibly unpatriotic piece of shit republicans in congress. I think he's doing fine given the horrible circumstances. He will be considered a successful president.

You do realize this is a standard procedure? Hater.
While I can see the argument that they're back office bullshit, Executive Orders, etc. have some similarities. That said, there are stark differences.

Bush started two wars, Obama is winding them down.

Bush's fiscal irresponsibility created a depression, Obama has worked to slowly restore the economy.

Bush opened Guantanamo Bay, Obama is working to close it.

Bush pushed for DOMA, Obama is working to overturn it.

Bush made the world hate Americans, Obama has done a lot to restore our standing abroad.

Bush tried to kill Bin Laden, Obama did.

Obama has given us the Healthcare Reform, the Lilly Ledbetter Act, help save the American auto industry, and ended don't ask don't tell, etc.

Obama is by no means a great President. However, it's fair to note that he has both inherited the worst political situation of any President and the most vitriolic and obstinate Congress in history. While history may judge Obama as average, it will likely judge Bush as the worst President we've ever had.

i'm aware of, and happy about, Obama's acheivements that you've pointed out in this^^ post

but i don't understand the "Obama is by no means a great president" comment

he's been, so far, a million times better at being president than the crap we would have gotten if a republican had been elected for either of Obama's 2 terms

i really just can't see John McCain or Mitt Romney (or any other republican even) being actually decent presidents, let alone as good as Obama's been
Ending "Don't Ask Don't Tell" is a good thing? I'm not down with pickle sniffing, please keep one's sexual misdeeds close to the chest.

do you remember all those openly gay guys that used to post on UM??

it's homophobic comments like this that made them all leave
I don't understand, are people really upset the government does this when we allowed the Patriot Act to happen what, 10 years ago? Unreal
My bad I meant like the 'mainstream media' in general not necessarily you or anyone else..like is anyone really surprised the government is doing this?
I don't really care...nothing you do online or through your cell phone has ever been private. I just hope that if anyone is reading my text messages, they're entertained by the 200+ messages a day of utter nonsense with my husband.


Guess it could be mistaken for some kind of code, though. :loco: