Wednesday and Thursday are the only days I physically go to my office downtown. They made a good call and decided to keep the building closed tomorrow. Thursday too, if things get bad.
@Reign in Acai, you faggot, get in here! We've had a crazy election, people are dookin' it out over a vaccine, and we're actually talking about music in here! MAKE RC GREAT AGAIN
Google Chromecast was some of the best $20 I have ever spent. I stream everything from my laptop straight to my TV in HD. The only service I have is Netflix. All of my sports that aren't available through antenna are illegally streamed over the net onto my TV.
edit: None of this has anything to do with the presidential election, btw. And I like that.
chromecast is absolutely amazing. 4K streaming is a bit weak on it, though. Apparently the new chromecast is even better.
I am shocked how much I like streaming compared to 5 years ago when I was strictly CDs. All it took was a government job where I couldn't save music on my computer.