Who you leaning towards in the 2016 Presidential Election?

Who will take over the reigns of shitting on this nation?

  • Mrs. Benghazi

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  • Who gives a fuck?

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  • Colonel Sanders

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  • Chafee Scrotum

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  • Uncle Jeb

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  • Uncle Ben Carson

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  • Ayn Rand

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  • Four Eyed Perry

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  • Fatboy from Jersey

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  • Haughm

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  • O'Malley

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Trump is basically Satan himself and his supporters can go fuck themselves.

What has he done policy wise that is oh so offensive to you? An executive order of seven terrorist harboring countries, all of which were named to be countries of concern by the Obama admin the year prior? That pussillanimous turd did fugg all knowing that these countries were legitimate concerns. These people have no rights under our constitution to travel to our shores, and the President has plenary powers to institute such orders for the welfare of the citizenry. Note there's only 318mil+ citizens protected by the constitution. Not 7 billion which libtards inaccurately contest in their psychobabble talking points on CNN.

While the lobotomized libs cry on the internet about our orange fair haired savior, the progressive utopia of France is engulfed in flames, and Sweden's feminist government parades into Tehran donning hijabs in a show of respect to their new overlords.

If that is the alternative to Satan, give me Dante's seven stages of hell.
Sweden's new flag design is rather interesting.

Just read about all the grenade attacks that go down in Malmo. Cultural enrichment with a pull of a pin. Why isnt this covered in the msm? Hmmm

In other news, Swedenstan offering free housing to 300 returning ISIS fighters to help with re-integration. Love how people who vote cuckold turds into office want to come and lecture us on politics.
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For the record, I didn't vote for any of the dumb bastards that decide dumb things, and when the shit REALLY hits the fan (most people don't think it has yet), I will proudly be one of the TOLD YOU SO-ians
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I feel for you Mike. I just hope your countrymen wake up. For you, Johanna, and your tots.

In other news, rioting in Rinkeby. Keep it coming, at some point even the biggest bleeding heart will have enough.
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not necessarily supposed to, but he acts like a dictator in his own country and is actively interested in disrupting the EU --whether or you like that or not, the EU is helpful for Europe and trade for us
yeah, that was lame of me.

I just feel this whole IT WAS THE RUSSIANS! is way overblown. its almost as if people are tired of ISIS and are trying to pick another baddie, especially with all the muslim apologists these days.
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Doesn't he jail journalists? Didn't he have people in the UK assassinated?

He's a strong statesman for Russia but that's the extent to the compliments I'll give him. Other than that he's just another fucking authoritarian dickhead. The alt-right are romanticizing him because they're braindead clowns.
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sure, but i think if you don't have problems with out-of-USA influence in U.S. politics then you're just being a homer
im not ok with it, but again, it was blown out of proportion. most research from both sides blame/praise comey for turning the tide, not russia.

even if it was russia behind the hacks, all they did was expose corruption in DNC. transparency and all that.....
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