Who you leaning towards in 2008 Presidential Election?

Rock the Vote (With your cack out)

  • Rudy "I love faggoths" Giuliani

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • That midget liberal who looks like an old Guardian of Darkness

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
i like his stance against corporate greed
I'd be surprised if you wouldn't agree with most of his positions.


He's the only candidate (aside from Paul), whose saying we'll be out of Iraq before 2012.

There is no military solution to the chaos in Iraq. Instead, the Iraqi people must solve the problem politically by taking responsibility for their country. By leaving Iraq, America will prompt the Iraqi people, regional powers, and the entire international community to find the political solution that will end the sectarian violence and create a stable Iraq. We must show the Iraqis that we are serious about leaving by actually starting to leave, with an immediate withdrawal of 40,000-50,000 troops and a complete withdrawal within nine to ten months. We should leave behind in Iraq only a brigade of 3,500 to 5,000 troops to protect the embassy and possibly a few hundred troops to guard humanitarian workers.

he also however looks like another Kennedy and be shot for his stance ... young boy and all :loco:
I may have to ditch the Paul bandwagon and vote for a candidate who has a shot. If Obama or Fuckabee get elected we're all DOOMED.

I'm coming in 4th out of 10 options in the poll. Not a bad outing, but I'd lie if I said I wasn't disappointed. Where's my pro-apartheid peeps at?
Political party lines aside, who would be everyone's second choice candidate if your first choice did not receive nomination? I refuse as a rule to strictly vote along party lines, and have been watching both Republicans and Democrats closely to determine who are just the better persons to be in office. Thoughts?
they all suck ... i can't believe this is the best the US can do.

none of them really has a strong voice or speaks like a leader
After reading more into the candidates I'm leaning more and more towards Edwards as well.

The College for Everyone thing he's proposing sounds great too. Especially considering the fact that I almost sometimes regret going to college when I look at the amount of money I'm in debt.

Getting out of Iraq by '12 is fucking great.

The health care system

holy hell I wanna vote him now
2nd Choice - Obama

I'm actually not a huge Obama fan. Edwards is a true pick. To me, he's not a "lesser of two evils" candidate. He's someone I believe could be a great leader. Obama is a lesser of two evils candidate.

I would have said Paul, but it's just not realistic.

I liked his speech, but feel he always gives too many real world examples. We all know these problems exist ...

He also looks like a damn full blooded American which is also a plus ... he reminds me of Kennedy in so many ways.
Based on what I've seen (from videos such as this one), it's no wonder the people of Iraq are pissed. No respect for the inhabitants of that country from foreign soldiers in general, it seems.

that might be true in other ways ... but a military truck sitting in traffic ... well ... kaboom.

this is a necessary military tactic
Edwards is one of the few senators who consistently voted in opposition items proposed by the GOP and Bush Administration, he's held to the same views consistently since before the previous election, and like Zod said, he seems resolute. And frankly, he held up well against Cheney in the VP debates in 04, and that's a feat in and of itself.

Of all the canidates, there's one I've actually met, had a conversation with and feel is a great person, but who unfortunately just does not mesh with any of my views these days, John McCain. He's been a great senator for my state, and historically was very good at being against big government, and corporations. But his views on the war and on immigration (I cannot believe he sold us out on that issue, he must be employing quite a few) have really turned me off to him.
Before getting too attached to any one candidate, everyone should take this "quiz":


It asks 26 multiple-choice questions on issues, and then ranks all the candidates according to how well they match your preferences.

It certainly had a surprise or two for me, but once I get through the have-no-chance libertarian guys, Obama is the first real candidate for me in at #5.
