why are metal fans so homophobic

The Gay and Lying thing is just a joke!
I mean, if there's anybody that is gay/bi here, they could say "that is straight and lying!" to us! We wouldn't care! :lol:
At least they would be gay and honest saying that! :lol:

Anyways, it's like my mom always says: "if he's gay, he's giving HIS ass, not borrowing yours, so you don't have a fucking thing with it!"
(its almost exactally that, with fewer cursewords :D)

Anyway, i'm not gay, but i don't think it's wrong to be gay. It isn't a pretty sight, 2 stinky, beardy guys together and all, but anyway... :lol:

Btw: i have a friend who had done some anal sex with his GF. It's always fun to ask him "hey dude, did it stink afterwards?" uahaeuhaeuheauh :lol:
OK, I think this has gone far enough. I think everyone should leave it as "each to his/her own". Everyone here can have the right to be gay or bisexual or love gay people, etc. as long as I can have my right to dislike gay people. Sound good? Good.
Originally posted by SomeGuy
I used to be pretty anti-gay myself so I can see, kinda, why some people are but it is illogical.

yeah I know how that feels man. I used not to give a shit, but then I realized how illogical it was.

Originally posted by Northern Viking
You're a good boy :)

gaylover faggot, fuck you.

Originally posted by Vidaeus
OK, I think this has gone far enough. I think everyone should leave it as "each to his/her own". Everyone here can have the right to be gay or bisexual or love gay people, etc. as long as I can have my right to dislike gay people. Sound good? Good.

that was so beatiful it almost made me cry.

and well, just to share a little story, me and my friend ordered a pizza yesterday, to eat while we watched a DVD. actually the movie sucked serious ass. so when the pizza arrived, we thought "well at least we have pizza" but the pizza also sucked serious ass, so we decided to try and make it better by using a taiwanese pepper/tomato sauce he had. now lemme tell you something, that was a BAD idea. that fucker was HOT as all hells, I am used to eating spicy stuff, but that sauce was evil. FUCK!

so today I wake up and I have to take a dump. I'd never have expected all the pain that would follow. to illustrate the feeling, "MY ASS WAS ON FIRE". it was like all hell was breaking loose, straight from my anus.

so now I find it even more illogical that ANYONE would seriously enjoy a big fat dick up the ass. it's not a sweet feeling, it's perversion and it's not natural.

to think of it, now I know why that band "Red Hot Chilli Peppers" got its name. bunch of fucking faggots. :bah:
Originally posted by dawnghost
so today I wake up and I have to take a dump. I'd never have expected all the pain that would follow. to illustrate the feeling, "MY ASS WAS ON FIRE". it was like all hell was breaking loose, straight from my anus.

so now I find it even more illogical that ANYONE would seriously enjoy a big fat dick up the ass. it's not a sweet feeling, it's perversion and it's not natural.
either, that was a fucking joke, or you are definatley one of the most dumb persons which are claiming to be intelligent which i have ever met in my life.

:lol: you really seem to think, that gay men stick their dicks into chilli sauce before loading someone else from behind
Originally posted by _A_SCARLET_SUNSET_
either, that was a fucking joke, or you are definatley one of the most dumb persons which are claiming to be intelligent which i have ever met in my life.

:lol: you really seem to think, that gay men stick their dicks into chilli sauce before loading someone else from behind

I don't know what the fuck is wrong with your head, really

hahaha what a damn freakshow am i looking at :-DD

really people, try assaulting a tree with a bat or punching a wall till you can see your bare knuckle bones or whatever, those are only two healthier suggestions for taking out the rage of the every day than just bursting in fury in a board :-)
chill!!! oh and you dawnghost, no more sauce for you hehe
Originally posted by dawnghost
I don't know what the fuck is wrong with your head, really

lol, you were comparing the feeling of shtting out a hot meal with getting fucked in your ass... and now you don't even know why i am coplaining myself about this crap
oh come on man...first of all, ive met quite a lot of gay people and my sister is friends with loads and i know they dont ALL do that stuff..but im sure when they do they find ways of making it nice(oh yeah theres that prostrate gland thing to)!But anyway thats completely beside the point..why do you care what other people do if it doesnt affect your life?Some people find their own sex attractive and they can no more change this than I can change liking women.I dont see whats wrong with people acting on that,even if it does mean doing 'unnatural' things.And that was a dumb post.blah
Originally posted by dawnghost
it would be a pain in the ass to respond seriously to every single logical fallacy on that last post, and I am tired of this thread so: :loco:
please higlight those logical fallacys, you think to have read in the last post bold
you read Nietzsche, I am sure you can spot them. I'll just list them here for your amusement, it's better this way:

- fallacy of unrepresentative sample
- fallacy of composition
- fallacy of (appeal to) popularity
- fallacy of distraction: ignorance
- attack to character

oh and to make things perfectly clear: I am sick tired of this thread, I will not support homosexual behavior. this is my last post, I know it has been amusing, but bye.
well i apologise for my fivefold fallacies but i wasnt writing a scienctific paper...this is the children of bodom message board.I would say you are guilty of the same things..for a start you say 'fallacy of unrepresentative' sample after coming to the conclusion that anal sex is painful after because it hurt taking a chilli-fuelled dump!Surely that is even less representative evidence, from a sample of 1!?I could defend the other fallacies ive supposedly made, but I think the conradiction youve made there says enough really.noones trying you to make you support homosexual behaviour.l8rs