Why do a lot of people dislike Tie My Rope?

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New Metal Member
May 28, 2008
This song is turning out to be one of my favorites on Blooddrunk... And contains my favorite solo of the entire album.
Why people dislike the song Tie My Rope? I honestly hate that song besides the kickass interludes (1:50-2:05 and 2:40-3:10). The chorus lead thing is awesome but Alexi's vocals and lyrics just ruin it for me :/

I have said it before but the song feels to "patchy", like too choppy in its transitions between sections of the song.

Overall, Blooddrunk is a good album and each track has it's moments but for me I just can't really get into most of it (mainly vocals, lyrics, some uninteresting riffs that loop).

I would say the worst track (or my least favourite, rather) is "Smile Pretty for the Devil".
I'm honestly starting to think that you are bviously - or not - trolling. I would suggest you to slow down a bit if you are real one, but if your are really a troll and you start to slow down, you will for sure blow your cover and we'll know you are a troll. So, the only possible path that is left to you is to continue.

Even more.
I dunno, there was this whole discussion about how some people like keyboard sound more on the old version and guitars on the new one, and vise versa... That's why you only release one frigging version of the song >___<

Not sure it qualifies for the "worst song though", there's always DWE,DFN and BD itself ^__^
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