why do hate numetal?

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Sep 1, 2004
go ahead. rattle off your reasons. im just gathering opinions. if you leave an educated response i may challenge you back.
I might like these bands if they would put a little thought into their "music". Most good metal is about being very creative with every instrument. Mallcore tries to make a buck by playing with teeny boppers emotions. Disjointed thoughts.....
Mudvayne's LD 50 features good playing all around, and lyrically it is more than simple teenage angst.

Thats probably the only reason I still enjoy listening to them.
I'm aware of exceptions to all points, but this is what I don't like about nu-metal as a whole:

Blunt, crass teen-demagogue lyrics. Excessive use of standard, unimaginative expletives.

Promoting bad spelling.

Music consisting of repetitive, tedious, uninspired, mindless noise (in that respect similar to contemporary brutal death metal) or of vapid, anodyne melody painted in the very dullest shades of grey.

Cultivation of an aesthetically displeasing image.

Links with hip-hop, one of my other pop-cultural pet hates.

Association with anything typical of those whose "own way" consists of half pipes, hash pipes, flipping burgers and flipping birds, or put another way: with the promotion of a laddish mixture of affected stupidity and half-assed hedonism as a lifestyle ideal.

Over-exposure in the media with the resultant saturation of copyist bands exacerbating all other faults.

In general, being neither use nor ornament.
I don't hate all numetal. But I agree some of those bands get annoying after awhile.
Esp, bands like: Papa Roach, Lostprophets, Limb Bizkit, Crazytown, POD, Hed PE, Sevendust, and Methods of Mayhem.
1. Nu-Metal bands while they can play, they whore themselves playing simple 2 chords rhythms
2. The vocals are very lacking
3. No Emotion. The pseudo-emotional content of the music bores me.
4. Very repetitive.
J Mann said:
Mudvayne's LD 50 features good playing all around, and lyrically it is more than simple teenage angst.

Thats probably the only reason I still enjoy listening to them.

Why am I not surprised that you would be saying this?
Nu-metal does not exist.

The style being referred to is alternative-metal, and it has several redeeming aspects in my opinion. I quite enjoy a lot of it, and don't like a lot of it, much like as with anything else.
Those bands should be sued or shot for even having the word metal in describing their genre. Total misrepresentation. Woahh did I actually agree on something with the GMD regs? ... I guess i can once in awhile... lol .... but so called Nu Metal sucks in every single way but most I would say is the rap elements it incorporates.
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