Why do I suck so bad at string skips?

You see, with crowned fretts, your fingers roll up and down them, because it's round. But with uncrowned fretts, it's sharp and not round, so it puts up more resistance to your finger, and since it's sharp, ouch.
Ptah Khnemu said:
Yeah, but usually, when you have bigger fretwire, you have less capability of lowering the action, because it's easier for the string to buzz on the 1st frett. I think that's what he was saying.

not at all really, thats just the impression you would get from the strings distance from the wood on the fretboard; its the distance to the actual frets that matters.
I've had this problem on my Jackson before. After I first bought it, the action on m Jackson was considerably iffy. Whenever I tried to lower the bridge, the first fret would buzz, because the string was touching it. And so I shaved down the fretwire, and now that it's not as big, I can lower it more without it buzzing.
yea, that happens but it has nothing to do with the fretwire size, that was just an unevenness that occurs naturaly from regular use.
To summarize this thread.. low action is not going to teach you how to string skip.. if low action alone taught you how to learn certain guitar techniques then everyone would eventually become a virtuoso.

Dont fixate on gear.. thats the worst possible thing you can do when learning. Of course if your playing on some ancient relic of a guitar and the strings are an inch from the fretboard you will have some problems to be sure. I actually laughed reading this thread .. the first question was about technique and then all of the sudden it became how your guitar having low action will actually help beat the learning curve.

Absolutely false..Im sure any of the guitars you stated Ptah arent so out of wack that you cant hammer at this stuff .. like already stated take it slow and build it up.. I've yet to meet anyone who nails a totally new technique on the first try. Just keep pounding it until it becomes second nature. Kind of like sex.. the first couple times might be awkward but keep doing it and it becomes natural. :P
I havent had my first time, so that makes me cool.

Dammit, now Zach got me hooked too.
Ptah Khnemu said:
I havent had my first time, so that makes me cool.

Dammit, now Zach got me hooked too.

it makes you cool that you dont beat yourself up about it, unlike some people i've known.
Well the reason I don't is because I just plain don't care.

And it's about this time that the angry mob with pitchforks, torches, and a big wooden cross usually come and chase me back into hiding.
This is a good thread :) I'm trying to learn the main riff in Trashed, lost and Strungout by Children of Bodom and there's some string skipping there. I guess the key to any clean guitar playing is to take it slow at first eh?
I've played guitar for over six years and now I realise how much practise you have to do in order to get good at playing. Until now I haven't really done any kind of strategy on what to practise. I've practised mainly with songs and now I have to change my tactics. Maybe I'll start with string skipping.
1by4by9 said:
I've played guitar for over six years and now I realise how much practise you have to do in order to get good at playing. Until now I haven't really done any kind of strategy on what to practise. I've practised mainly with songs and now I have to change my tactics. Maybe I'll start with string skipping.

I'm in basically the same boat as you. I'm creeping up on 7 years playing, and I never really sat down with a metronome and practiced, I just sort of learned songs as time went by. I think I got lucky with string skipping b/c I learend a song that had it early on and now it's not that big of a problem for me, unless it's played faster than the speed of sound.

But as far as all this gear talk goes, I've never done any of that to any of my guitars, I buy them, beat them up and then have them set up by some dude at Guitar Center. SHOULD I look into all this gear stuff about the neck (scallopage, crowned frets...wtf are crowned frets anyway??)? I'm no slacker on guitar, but I'm far from a freak. Should I just stick to what's working, or find something that could be better? Somebody enlighten me :notworthy