Why do people hate COB?


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
I would understand if it's just the vocals. But even the music. Especially people at their twenties (the generation who have unavoidably heard at least one song of them during their life) have a strong opinion about Bodom. Before they hear the word they usually go NOOO!! or "yuck!" or "well, I guess nobody is perfect" or "ok, I too used to listen to some Bodom when I was 13."

What the fuck is wrong about the music? I always thought they're full of incredible melodies, catchyness, aggression, amazing solos. When someone says you're just wrong about liking Bodom as music, how should you react. There's two things I don't like talking about in public: music and religions, because everyone has different understanding level. Maybe they take the music too seriously and can't enjoy it.

I too hated them at age 14 and thought they were ridiculous. But I did recognize something interesting about the music. And only when we got drunk one cool night at summer house did I start digging them for real, even tho I first told my buddy to put that shit off.

One thing common about the haters is bad self-esteem. It's also what I had when I was 14. The haters feel the music 'threatening' on some primitive level of mind, and are unable to take it with a tiny portion of humor.
Oh lawd, some people just don't like them.
What the fuck is wrong with you? Just because you're so omgblownaway doesnt mean anyone else has to think they're good or respect them for their talents.
The last bit gives the impression that you were too young for them at age 14 but got into them later.That's cool but how is your friend supposed to listen to them his entire life? Because he got you into them?

There's two things I don't like talking about in public: music and religions
and that's why you start this thread :lol:
poor you :(

because everyone has different understanding level.
no shit sherlock, not everyone feels and thinks the same way as you do. Deal with it.
What the fuck is wrong with you?

You have a serious problem dude, you're always just picking every single side-matter out of the context that you can possibly use for argumentation.

and that's why you start this thread

This is not 'the public' you idiot, this is the COB fan forum. :D

No need to feel bad for me, I'm living the best times of my life.

no shit sherlock, not everyone feels and thinks the same way as you do. Deal with it.

Trust me I know.
Why do ppl hate COB?
Last time i checked they were touring all over the world playing to huge crowds and Allu himself being voted (BY PPL!) to worlds best metal guitarists etctec..
My point: Dont get provoked by the morons ''hating COB'' on this forum or in any other.
They have huge international fanbase so u just let the hater hate cuz theres no band without haters
inb4 offtopic van drops off, but seriously if you talk about the people here saying "oh i used to listen to them when i was 13" etc, they are just trolling, its the COB forum.
Because everyone likes something else. I hate thrash metal and death metal like Cannibal Corpse because to me everything sounds the same and there is little variety. Now I know that this isn't true, but that's how I feel about it

And you can probably think of something like that to hate CoB. We don't see it because we are fans, but some people probably don't like the vocals and aggression or something.
I really don't know why COB is such hated band. On one side, you have the clubbers who, I must admit, sometimes dances on some catchy songs. On the other side, you have those OMGCANNIBALCORPSE metalheads who finds COB is not enough br00tal. First, my best bet is that people focus too much on lyrics, which are not really understandable in the case of COB (at least for the non-native english speakers). Mabye it's not the case in Europe because I heard people over there prefers melodies to lyrics. Now, about aggressiveness, it is true. When I first listened to COB, I was like "Damn! It's so aggressive and fast-paced!" and I considered Alexi's voice as an instrument. Just keep listening to it and your aggressive music standard gains quite a level. Going from pop/dance music to COB metal isn't something easy to do if you're not forced to. Make them listen to high tempo techno, classical music, video game music and the Pet Shop Boys and I'm sure they will be able to develop a taste for Bodom.

I'm no sociologist/psychologist so obviously, it's all stated as MY opinion.

EDIT: There's also another aspect: People who don't have musical ears will have trouble dealing with COB.
Going from pop/dance music to COB metal isn't something easy to do if you're not forced to.

People who don't have musical ears will have trouble dealing with COB.

Most of the haters probably don't respect for example fast solos and it's just noise to them, although some of them these days understand the players are skillful - they have to swallow the hatred to admit that, because they remember getting bitchslapped by some metalhead for claiming metal music is nothing but noise and there's 0% talent...
metal music is nothing but noise and there's 0% talent...

If metal is 0% talent, imagine how low pop is. But hating COB is all really a matter of aggressiveness and speed. Take those two away, add clean vocals and they become pure pop.

How do people react when you listen to 8-bit music in the streets like (for example, Ludd or Baspatterns by Paza)? :lol:
It's all just personal tastes.

I didn't really care for CoB when I first heard Angels Don't Kill, I mean it was good but not my cup of tea. Then I was introduced to Hatebreeder and my thoughts on them totally changed. Obviously i didn't get into CoB until HCDR came out. Now I have respect for the slow songs, becasue musically they are great, but I still prefer the heavier faster songs.

I used to hate Primus when I was in middle school, and I mean with a passion. Now, I fucking love them. I don't know what it was but one day I heard them and it was just the coolest thing ever. I don't know what it was, I just knew that I liked them.

So I just think with time people change. Simple as that.
"You guys are going fuckin wild tonigh! Are you guys tired? Are you fuckin sure you dont want to go home and get some sleep?! *snoring noises* Alright you know, Fuck that shit man! Instead were goin to fuckin rock out to FOllow the REAper!" - All said in a somewhat hilarious Finnish accent.
I can definetly see Some people who just cant handle any part of COB - vocals, melodies, concepts, image, hair, speed, agressiveness, keyboard, tone, WHATEVER. And they are easy to troll on. But if you like it, just be yourself in all occasions.
Sometimes swearing way too much isn't that cool. Well about the topic,I like many styles of music and artists. COB was of the first damn heavy bands I started to listen to. Owerall I still dig Bodom,but not as much as I did. Some people hate on them because of style change - Bodom is not tr00 now etc. But overall I think fans shouldn't give a fuck about haters anyway.
I can deal with people's taste but what really pisses me off is when people don't wanna listen to COB just because Alexi is gay(and that is what they think)
That's just being narrow-minded.

As far as i know there's also people who can't deal with what they call "too much keyboard in the soound",though.

IMO even the fact that the most part of COB fans is little boys makes some people hate them,but that's not their fault.
I think with any metal band that incorporates death style vocals...lots of people are going to dislike it. And some metalheads don't like the fact that there is so much melody, keyboards, etc. Others probably don't like the fact that COB are not one of those "grr, we're evil" bands...but instead are light-hearted and enjoy themselves on stage. But Fuck the haters!
People voted for Hitler and buy Justin Bieber albums... People are stupid.

That is of course very true.. and exactly my thoughts.. People blame solely Hitler for the demises and refuse to see it was the people themselves being fucking lambs. Like they blame COB for bad music when the problem is inside their head.

I think the COB haters divide into three categories; those who can't listen to death metal vocals and don't understand the music (usually the same people!), those who only listen to death metal with no keyboards etc, and those who have image problems with Alexi's attitude and the young fans.