Why do people hate COB?

I thought, that it's quite obvious why people hate COB, but still no one has said it in this thread yet.

Well, the biggest reason people hate the band (at least in Finland) is the fact that COB is so popular nowadays. It's the most mainstream "extreme metal band" in Finland and majority of their fans are kids and young teenagers. Also the massive overration of Alexi makes people hate COB. Many of his habits like eyeliner, painted fingernails, yaow-yaows and his "gay" relationship with Janne are easy reasons to pick on him. But mostly it's due to their success, being mainstream, and having young fanbase (which leads to people thinking COB as "kids metal band" which automatically makes them hate/ laugh at the band). For most kids COB is also their first band which has harsh vocals which leads them to think that it's "the most brutal band in the world". And these kids running around trying to look like Alexi and shouting "COB 4 EVAR!!" are one of the primary reasons to hate the band.

Many people who dislike COB are also old COB fans who have got bored to it and found new bands which leads them to hate COB.
I always try to avoid mentioning the name of my favorite band to people I get to know, because I know the reaction is always a huge smile with jaw dropping to the ground, and it pisses me off so much it hurts, so I avoid it. I guess DM vocals and solos are just too much for the vast majority. And the kid fans of course.
COB does not have DM vocals and their solos are nothing special.

Yesterday I was at some party and we were playing songs from Youtube. At some point I played some instrumental cover of Everytime I Die, and this guy announced as fact COB is just simple, boring patterns being played back to back, no other secret about it, and nothing exciting or melodic or interesting about the music. *shrugs* People seem to really, REALLY hate and despise this music. And I hate that about them.. a pure breed type of hate.