Why do people hate COB?

People seem to really, REALLY hate and despise this music. And I hate that about them.. a pure breed type of hate.

lol, Joonas you are too emotionally invested in this band for your own good.I completely understand where you're coming from as I'm passionate about music I like, but why would you just presume your preferences in music are some sort of universal undeviating law about the essence of good music? oO

Music favouritism is so entirely subjective that it seems like a complete waste of energy to get pissed off over other peoples' opinion, which they're completely entitled to anyway?
If you dislike their opinions just counter them with yours and if they still disagree, it's just probably down to personal taste and nothing else so why raeg over it?

You're begining to remind me of those fuckers who'll sit beside you on public transport and blast their music through their earphones at 1000000000 decibels, thereby forcing you to listen through a tirade of crap you can barely even make out because they are convinced that their music is vastly superior and that they're going to omg-enlighten you with it for a three hour bus journey..
Music favouritism is so entirely subjective that it seems like a complete waste of energy to get pissed off over other peoples' opinion, which they're completely entitled to anyway?
If you dislike their opinions just counter them with yours and if they still disagree, it's just probably down to personal taste and nothing else so why raeg over it?

I don't rage over it, I shrug it off with a tiny smile, and usually politely add a different view, which I think is ok since the COB haters always attack. So what's your problem? I accept the explanation that it's down to personal taste. I just don't understand it. How can someone so radically hate all music about COB? I find at least something good about my least favourite bands. If I can't, I'll make something up. It's called constructive conversation.

But what I dislike is people who do not see the music behind the vocals and label it "shit music" because of that. Or these who claim COB is just simple patterns being played back to back and has nothing to do with creativity. Or the ones who follow along with people because the opinion seems publicly accepted. Fuck them.

My problem is not people not liking COB. It's the arguments -and the lack of them- which they use to explain why it sucks. If someone came to me and said you know I guess it's good music but not my taste, I would be perfectly fine. :)

Kind of sucks when you can't proudly mention the name of your favourite band on a discussion. It just has to remain a secret perversion of some sort. Sometimes you can, but most will label you a bit weird or mentally early teen.

You're begining to remind me of those fuckers who'll sit beside you on public transport and blast their music through their earphones at 1000000000 decibels, thereby forcing you to listen through a tirade of crap you can barely even make out because they are convinced that their music is vastly superior and that they're going to omg-enlighten you with it for a three hour bus journey..

Well sorry to hear that. Sounds a little exaggerated. You don't know me and I don't even know who you are, so.
lol, Joonas you are too emotionally invested in this band for your own good.I completely understand where you're coming from as I'm passionate about music I like, but why would you just presume your preferences in music are some sort of universal undeviating law about the essence of good music? oO

Music favouritism is so entirely subjective that it seems like a complete waste of energy to get pissed off over other peoples' opinion, which they're completely entitled to anyway?
If you dislike their opinions just counter them with yours and if they still disagree, it's just probably down to personal taste and nothing else so why raeg over it?

You're begining to remind me of those fuckers who'll sit beside you on public transport and blast their music through their earphones at 1000000000 decibels, thereby forcing you to listen through a tirade of crap you can barely even make out because they are convinced that their music is vastly superior and that they're going to omg-enlighten you with it for a three hour bus journey..

If someone came to me and said you know I guess it's good music but not my taste, I would be perfectly fine. :)

That wouldn't make sense. Music isn't objective like that. We literally do perceive the wavelengths of music/sounds that enter our ears in different ways, in our own realities and perspectives. We all have different criteria for what makes music "good" to us, so if something isn't my taste then it's because I perceive it as being not good. I'm not gonna say something, which I think sucks, is good.
That wouldn't make sense. Music isn't objective like that. We literally do perceive the wavelengths of music/sounds that enter our ears in different ways, in our own realities and perspectives. We all have different criteria for what makes music "good" to us, so if something isn't my taste then it's because I perceive it as being not good. I'm not gonna say something, which I think sucks, is good.

I talked about this thing with someone last Saturday and I decided what makes a melody have impact on someone is it captures a certain emotion or mind image, and different people look for different emotions.
That wouldn't make sense. Music isn't objective like that. We literally do perceive the wavelengths of music/sounds that enter our ears in different ways, in our own realities and perspectives. We all have different criteria for what makes music "good" to us, so if something isn't my taste then it's because I perceive it as being not good. I'm not gonna say something, which I think sucks, is good.
It would make sense, you can appreciate the skill it takes to perform and write the music even if you dislike the music on a personal level, e.g. I hate both Steve Vai and Joe Satriani's music but I concede that they are skilled.
I dont understand this discussion. Is it about people who listen to metal in the first place and hate COB? or is it about all kind of people who have different taste in music and dislike the band because they just dont like the genre?
I talked about this thing with someone last Saturday and I decided what makes a melody have impact on someone is it captures a certain emotion or mind image, and different people look for different emotions.

But one melody won't necessarily capture the same emotion or image in two different people.

It would make sense, you can appreciate the skill it takes to perform and write the music even if you dislike the music on a personal level, e.g. I hate both Steve Vai and Joe Satriani's music but I concede that they are skilled.

Appreciating a skilled musician is different from saying certain music is "good" or not.

e.g. Matthew Mills is an extraordinary guitarist, but I think his music sucks donkey dick.
Appreciating a skilled musician is different from saying certain music is "good" or not.

e.g. Matthew Mills is an extraordinary guitarist, but I think his music sucks donkey dick.
I was also referring to the composition being theoretically impressive; not just technically demanding. You can decide via objective means that a piece of music is good, regardless of your subjective opinion of it.
I know you think it's fun to try piss me off, but it's no secret you're an off-topic kid who has no capacity to take part in the convo, but just go with the anti-joonas flow and troll around. <3

I was merely agreeing with everything he said, no trolling involved. I genuinely cannot fathom why everyone here thinks my every post in this thread is a troll post (apart from my first one, which was based very much in truth (IMHO) but posted to aggravate fanboys/girls)
...and this guy announced as fact COB is just simple, boring patterns being played back to back, no other secret about it, and nothing exciting or melodic or interesting about the music. People seem to really, REALLY hate and despise this music. And I hate that about them.. a pure breed type of hate.

These people's hatred toward CoB and your hatred toward them for the reason that they hate CoB are similar. You both know very little about the thing/person you hate, you both likely jump to conclusions, and both passionately express your hate to others, with a hope that others agree with you and make you feel like you are right. People are so quick to hate, and not rightfully. If you really hate something/someone you should have a very good reason for it, but you can't have a very good reason for it if you quickly decide upon that hatred. There's no positive outcome of that.
"You guys are going fuckin wild tonigh! Are you guys tired? Are you fuckin sure you dont want to go home and get some sleep?! *snoring noises* Alright you know, Fuck that shit man! Instead were goin to fuckin rock out to FOllow the REAper!"

^I think we had enough of this kind of answers by now, thanks :Smug:

Purposeless thread or not, I don't get why some of you guys can't stay off-topic. Hell, this still is the official COB forum... deal with it man.
I used to love COB. They used to be my favorite band. Then they made AYDY... I was faithful, but there was no going back. I don't know why they changed the way they did and why they thought it was a good idea, but I'm pretty sure I wasn't the only one who felt betrayed.
My favorite album is and always has been the very first one. Maybe they just grew up too much.

Really I don't understand, why anyone has the need to bitch about why others don't like their fav bands. Maybe you just live in the wrong place. Maybe you need more 13-year-olds around you. IDK. My only problem personally is if somebody likes something, anything, but they're not willing to admit the true nature of whatever it is that they like. Kinda like saying that show wrestling isn't fake. Hell, I don't care if you love Twilight, just own up to it and say it sucks.
My favorite album is and always has been the very first one. Maybe they just grew up too much.

Grew up too much? They started making stuff that appeals to general audience more. I think Something Wild is in a way the most mature of their albums, in terms of spirit. That's also the album with no single happy song. Usually I like depressing music, but SW and Inearthed are crafted with such enormous vibes of depression it makes me feel sick, I don't even wanna discuss it.

Really I don't understand, why anyone has the need to bitch about why others don't like their fav bands. Maybe you just live in the wrong place. Maybe you need more 13-year-olds around you.

I don't care if people don't like it, everyone's different, but I have to tolerate with the fact people listening to disco pop think COB is crap and say it out loud while I have to maintain my chill.

Anyway, think this thread is over with.