Why do people hate COB?

I personally don't like SW. I rarely ever listen to it. Just not into all that neo classical stuff. Don't get me wrong its not a bad album, I just like it the least out of all they have made so far. And the vocals are the worst ever on that album. I can honestly say that I think every album they do is better than the last one they have done.

With that said I am extatic about the release of the new album and can't wait to hear it. I expect nothing but epic greatness from it.

Just my .02
Bodom's a good band but they've had their peak and are on a downward curve now. They're also one of those bands that overemphasizes technical playing over everything else and that can get boring. Rest is personal taste and you just need to learn to deal with it.
Quote of the day: Laiho is probably a good guitarist technically, but what does it help when you have no sense of style?

Another quote: I can't stand that [fast solo playing], every time I hear that I get an agonizing look on my face.

And another: I hate that silly growling, when you sing why not sing properly?

It should be illegal to spill that shit out of mouth.
Quote of the day: Laiho is probably a good guitarist technically, but what does it help when you have no sense of style?

Another quote: I can't stand that [fast solo playing], every time I hear that I get an agonizing look on my face.

And another: I hate that silly growling, when you sing why not sing properly?

It should be illegal to spill that shit out of mouth.

Amen to that.
Joonas, the problem here is you don't know how to accept opinions that differ from yours. There have been numerous occasions in this thread where you have argued with those that have made extremely valid statements, or even lashed out at others. Honestly it would seem it does not matter how much evidence someone is willing to put forth to argue their stance, as you will just immediately dismiss it.

As many have said before, music is an extremely subjective realm. Stop taking things personally and getting angry when others disagree with what you view as indisputable fact.
I don't know what you're talking about but the problem was people say this is shit music when they mean these are shit vocals. I don't have interest talking with someone who sees NOTHING good about COB. I can analyze a rap song and say something positive, even if I don't mean it. Just pure stating of opinions is a primitive way to discuss.
Joonas, little concept for you. Even if there is talent in how a song is played, the writing remains completely subjective. Therefore when someone doesn't like how a song is written, it will be shit to them. For you to question such is to play the role of a misinformed fanboy that can't handle others opinions.

Its good that you don't have an interest in holding a conversation with someone who sees nothing good about CoB, because those people likely hold zero interest in holding conversation with you either.

" I can analyze a rap song and say something positive, even if I don't mean it."

Lying isn't a trait to be proud out, no matter how you try and spin it on convo.
I don't hate COB, I just don't like them and I have no specific reason but I surely don't like Alexy's voice.It's like you ask me why you hate that color?
He has no interest in talking to people like you :lol: havent you read this awesome post of him?
At least he stopped trying to argue his point via nonsensical avenues, even if he would never admit to being incorrect in his whiny assessments.
I jumped out of the train because people seem to be willing to misunderstand me. It's amazing how on a COB forum fans like to defend the people who slam this band's music with insensible grounds, if any. And then I'm an idiot just because it pisses me off - even if I swallow it and don't show it.

OK fine I admit it: to some people puking voices simply may sound much better than some COB guitar harmony. It's the truth, people are different. But the point when it gets annoying is when the other guy starts shouting puking voices are better than this shit band while you do nothing because you know it's not gonna make anything different.
joonas, we had our gay fights and all and I still think you're a dumbass but I wasnt posting is this thread to piss you off. Really, I just cant understand why you complain about people who say stuff like * this is better than that* because you're always expecting EVERYONE else to feel the same way about bodom like you do and to see them from your point of view. If there is no general interest in that kind of music, it is obvious that people might not see some talented guitar player because they dont like the whole package. It's great if you're able to approve certain things in music and pay respect to musicians even if you dont like the music but think that's the musician is not a bad guitar player who has nice ideas but just plays in some band you dont like. BUT you say that people are arseholes because they say ''ööhhhh i dont like bodom it sucks''. Man, you even admitted that you say you like rap-songs which you dont really like. Do you really think lying makes it any better? You don't like that kind of music and by just not telling them the truth (and I bet you think that bodom's music is better,right?) you are any better? You're not any better because you think that bodom's music is superior to rap and you think that this is the truth and anybody else who doesnt see the beauty of the music sucks.
I think you can say 'better' when it comes to music, but most people just mean ''i like this kind of music more than that kind of music'' by saying ''tjrskj is way better than fjgsflk''.
Well the problem is not which is better music, but the attitude. I'm just saying if I was an owner of a music magazine and someone applied to me for job and all he could write about a band he doesn't like was crap then I would not employ him. Shouldn't be too difficult to understand.
Well I guess you're always explaining what you dont like about the music you cant stand... As I said, lying about your taste isnt any better. And if somebody would explain to you what he or she doenst like about bodom, would it make it any better?
People just show their opinions it in different shape of form. But in the end of the day, it's just opinion. If they say it fuckin sucks, you gotta remember that everyone differs from eachother. Why even bother to argue em down? Just ignore that shit.
Well the problem is not which is better music, but the attitude. I'm just saying if I was an owner of a music magazine and someone applied to me for job and all he could write about a band he doesn't like was crap then I would not employ him. Shouldn't be too difficult to understand.

You really need to up your personal self esteem if you're letting this stuff get to you so badly. No one, and I mean no one is obligated to give you reasoning past "Their music is shit." for why they don't like a band. If they feel like expressing their opinion in such a matter, good for them, it is their right. If you can't handle it, well, keep on crying about it because it is all the further it is going to get you.

I'm employed, and I write reviews. While writing a review I am tasked with dissecting the music thoroughly and writing what it is that causes me to enjoy music or hold disdain for it. I am not tasked with spewing forth a fallacy to appease fanboys that can't deal with me not approving of their band of choice.
