Why do people hate COB?

This is so true, I show people different metal bands all the time and people will usually say that the music isn't bad, but they question how I can understand / enjoy the vocals. Bands that use shrieking or death growls are always the ones that people with a mainstream taste in music can't stand. If I show someone a Nevermore or Hammerfall song, for example, they will usually like it - or at the very least, they won't tear out the earbuds in disgust and complain.
A perfect example: I showed one of my muso friends from school (he's a jazz musician and knows his musical theory really well) a solo from Necrophagist (The one from 'Fermented Offal Discharge' - it's easily one of the best metal solos ever) and he really enjoyed it, but after the solo there are some growled vocals and he just shook his head saying that it just 'ruined the song'. The same thing happens with Insomnium, CoB and Kalmah - everyone loves them until the vocals start!
Metal vocals are an aquired taste, and us metalheads are just geared towards them more-so than our Bieber fankid counterparts...

Understanding the logic of metal vocals takes some getting used to, but once people understand they are an artistic and energy-binding instrument, there's no looking back. It's a whole other reality.
Understanding the logic of metal vocals takes some getting used to, but once people understand they are an artistic and energy-binding instrument, there's no looking back. It's a whole other reality.

True, it takes time to get used to. It's a shame that many people are unable to accept that metal isn't as vocal-centric as other popular music, and that percussive vocals have a right to exist, it's just a whole different approach.
First of all, I will say that I love COB and they are my favorite band of all time (And that is based off only their first 3 albums, and a little bit from Hatecrew.) I got into COB after FTR came out, but I will say that I am mighty disappointed at the path Alexi decided to take. Things I hate about the current COB:

1. Complete loss of the soaring, atmospher creating, melodic death neoclassical metal. The songs just AREN'T as fun to listen to anymore.
2. Switch from Jackson's to ESP's. For my money, the ESP's sound like crunchy garbage and the Jackson's sounded pure.
3. Touring with these super lame thrash bands. I don't know where COB decided they weren't a melodeath band and they were somehow on the same level as Slipknot and Slayer. They aren't, they are way better, and they should be headlining with bands that are actually similar in style to them. I don't want to pay money to see COB, see a 6 song set, and then pretend to like a garbage thrash band or leave.
4. Drop tuned guitars. Ugh! I never thought COB would stoop to that Nu-metal garbage level. It's bush league.
5. The whole F-U attitude thing. COB used to have a mystique about them that was great. Now they are just "We are a bunch of trashy overdrinking thrashers." I don't find that cool.
6. Ending EVERY concert with Downfall. Dudes, I've seen you 6 times (And I do feel blessed to be able to say that) but you have tons of great ending songs, use another one.

That's it for now. Alexi is one of the few people I've ever really idolized for his innate genius, but I must say it does bum me out to see him not utilize his talent to it's full potential and drink himself to death. Someone needs to have an intervention with him, he is too great to lose.

Comments and feedback appreciated. I want to hear some other opinions on some of these subjects.
First of all, I will say that I love COB and they are my favorite band of all time (And that is based off only their first 3 albums, and a little bit from Hatecrew.) I got into COB after FTR came out, but I will say that I am mighty disappointed at the path Alexi decided to take. Things I hate about the current COB:

1. Complete loss of the soaring, atmospher creating, melodic death neoclassical metal. The songs just AREN'T as fun to listen to anymore.
2. Switch from Jackson's to ESP's. For my money, the ESP's sound like crunchy garbage and the Jackson's sounded pure.
3. Touring with these super lame thrash bands. I don't know where COB decided they weren't a melodeath band and they were somehow on the same level as Slipknot and Slayer. They aren't, they are way better, and they should be headlining with bands that are actually similar in style to them. I don't want to pay money to see COB, see a 6 song set, and then pretend to like a garbage thrash band or leave.
4. Drop tuned guitars. Ugh! I never thought COB would stoop to that Nu-metal garbage level. It's bush league.
5. The whole F-U attitude thing. COB used to have a mystique about them that was great. Now they are just "We are a bunch of trashy overdrinking thrashers." I don't find that cool.
6. Ending EVERY concert with Downfall. Dudes, I've seen you 6 times (And I do feel blessed to be able to say that) but you have tons of great ending songs, use another one.

That's it for now. Alexi is one of the few people I've ever really idolized for his innate genius, but I must say it does bum me out to see him not utilize his talent to it's full potential and drink himself to death. Someone needs to have an intervention with him, he is too great to lose.

Comments and feedback appreciated. I want to hear some other opinions on some of these subjects.
Well as much as I agree, we can't do shit about it. That's why I don't listen to the blooddrunk album, it just does not appeal to me. I also want the old stuff back, but it's their band, and even if you stop listening to them or buying their cd's there will always be new fans. That's just how the world is.
3. Touring with these super lame thrash bands. I don't know where COB decided they weren't a melodeath band and they were somehow on the same level as Slipknot and Slayer. They aren't, they are way better, and they should be headlining with bands that are actually similar in style to them. I don't want to pay money to see COB, see a 6 song set, and then pretend to like a garbage thrash band or leave.

Correction: they USED to be better. Starting AYDY (or maybe earlier, dunno), it seems like what they're trying to do is exactly to be counted in w/ bands like Slipknot for mass appeal.
Things I hate about the current COB:

1. Complete loss of the soaring, atmospher creating, melodic death neoclassical metal. The songs just AREN'T as fun to listen to anymore.

I agree 80%

2. Switch from Jackson's to ESP's. For my money, the ESP's sound like crunchy garbage and the Jackson's sounded pure.

I agree 90%

3. Touring with these super lame thrash bands. I don't know where COB decided they weren't a melodeath band and they were somehow on the same level as Slipknot and Slayer. They aren't, they are way better, and they should be headlining with bands that are actually similar in style to them. I don't want to pay money to see COB, see a 6 song set, and then pretend to like a garbage thrash band or leave.

I agree 100%

4. Drop tuned guitars. Ugh! I never thought COB would stoop to that Nu-metal garbage level. It's bush league.

I agree 90%

5. The whole F-U attitude thing. COB used to have a mystique about them that was great. Now they are just "We are a bunch of trashy overdrinking thrashers." I don't find that cool.

I agree 100%

6. Ending EVERY concert with Downfall. Dudes, I've seen you 6 times (And I do feel blessed to be able to say that) but you have tons of great ending songs, use another one.

I agree 100% - Downfall deserves to be played earlier on the set also, but it has become a 'parody ending song' which is a disgrace.

I must say it does bum me out to see Alexi not utilize his talent to it's full potential and drink himself to death. Someone needs to have an intervention with him, he is too great to lose.

I agree 80%
You should not blame ESP for the shitty sound on AYDY and Blooddrunk.
You shoud blame the combination of EMG-H4 + MM0-4 and the RSP unit for AYDY and, shitty trashy Marshall Slayer signature + Seymour Duncan Blackout's on Blooddrunk.

Proof: listen to any live show nowadays and clips from the new album were Alexi uses his EMG-ALX humbucker with old rack setup without the RSP unit.
Well I know people big into Metal and all that say they hate Children of Bodom, just because they have become somewhat more "popular" or mainstream(well, not really). I think it's weird. 'Cause they used to dig them and stuff, but say they dislike them now just because they got more popular? I find it pretty odd... :err: Maybe it's just me hahaha.
Switching to ESP from Jackson as a reason for their decline is the dumbest thing I've ever heard and is strictly coincidental. There are plenty of awesome bands that use drop tunings, so I think that's ridiculous as well. To me, it just sounds like Alexi's run out of ideas, coupled with touring with Lamb of God a lot, has fused them into a blend of their older melodeath type sound with that LOG-esque syncopated rhythm sound. I don't think its bad, just not quite up to par with their older material. Let's hope the new record will be more memorable :D
I agree I think esp got nothing to do with their sound change, they changed their sound because they wanted, I dont know why.
Anyway I think wether alexi is a lazy motherfucker, or he is running out of neurons, songs now are like quick writed, not so meditated not so cool as the old ones, Its like a riff here another one there and thats all no cool bridges no rythm changes, just boring. They are by far my favourite band and I respect them, but I absolutly dont like the way they took with blooddrunk. Cmon you are children of bodom make something awesome!.

BTW I think that the new album will be a disapointment for those who like me prefer the old children of bodom
Is anyone even stating they started sounding different because of ESP? I think the way they want their guitar tone has more to do with other stuff than the guitar bodies themselves... I hope no-one's claiming they write different style of music because of ESP, that would eclipse even the Alexander-hypothesis in stupidity.
I agree I think esp got nothing to do with their sound change, they changed their sound because they wanted, I dont know why.
Anyway I think wether alexi is a lazy motherfucker, or he is running out of neurons, songs now are like quick writed, not so meditated not so cool as the old ones, Its like a riff here another one there and thats all no cool bridges no rythm changes, just boring. They are by far my favourite band and I respect them, but I absolutly dont like the way they took with blooddrunk. Cmon you are children of bodom make something awesome!.

BTW I think that the new album will be a disapointment for those who like me prefer the old children of bodom


Blooddrunk is full of time changes and just odd time sigs in general. All the old stuff was in pretty much straight timing. Alexi, as a writter has gotten loads better at writting since they started. One of the main things I like about the new stuff is how differnet the songs are structred and written.

Most just don't realize it unless they play guitar, but the newer stuff, IMO, is a lot harder to play than the older stuff.

I guess it all just personal preference though...so... to each his/her own.
Most just don't realize it unless they play guitar, but the newer stuff, IMO, is a lot harder to play than the older stuff.

That seems true, for me Follow the Reaper and Hatebreeder have the easiest stuff to play. Something Wild seems more technical somehow and much of the new stuff has some weird shit on it and the solos obviously are too hard for me. Only COB solo I can play is Blooddrunk. Right now I can pretty much do around 4-5 tracks from both Hatebreeder and Follow the Reaper (apart from solos), it's just more fun stuff to play for a semi-beginner. Of course the enjoyability and creativity of the music don't have that much to do with how difficult it is to play, but there are things in the newer albums Alexi is proud of that people who don't play an instrument don't realize.