Why do people hate COB?

Most just don't realize it unless they play guitar, but the newer stuff, IMO, is a lot harder to play than the older stuff.
I do play guitar, I can play a few cob songs with solos, only old stuff (hatebreeder, follow the reaper).
I think playing cob is always hard to play depends on the song and not on the album, that's not the point, IMO It's just bloodrunk is boring.
Blooddrunk is full of time changes and just odd time sigs in general.
Really? have you heard that song? I totally disagree, It's like the same all the way. Solos still awesome but man the drum has like 3 rythm patterns and that's all.
1. Complete loss of the soaring, atmospher creating, melodic death neoclassical metal. The songs just AREN'T as fun to listen to anymore.

Complete loss is a bit of an exaggeration, but I would agree that the latest albums are lacking a bit.

2. Switch from Jackson's to ESP's. For my money, the ESP's sound like crunchy garbage and the Jackson's sounded pure.

I don't buy this. I honestly think Alexi's jackson tone is way overrated around here. Don't get me wrong, I think it's a pretty sweet solo tone. But I think that their best tone yet is with their ESP in AYDY album. Honestly the guitar itself probably doesn't have much to do with their sound, the tones vary wildy from album to album.

The hatebreeder tone was mild, yet soothing. But it's lacking a little bit in aggressiveness. The FTR tone (same gear as hatebreeder) got TOO aggressive. Both FTR and HCDR to me sound 'crispy', too trebbly and not smooth. The AYDY tone is somewhere in between the smoothness and aggressiveness, imo. The guitars are loud, clear, aggressive, and not ear piercing. The same tone could have been done with Jackson. Different pickups and EQ's are different.

3. Touring with these super lame thrash bands. I don't know where COB decided they weren't a melodeath band and they were somehow on the same level as Slipknot and Slayer. They aren't, they are way better, and they should be headlining with bands that are actually similar in style to them. I don't want to pay money to see COB, see a 6 song set, and then pretend to like a garbage thrash band or leave.

While I don't like bands of the same style touring together, I agree that the bands that COB is touring with are kind of ehhhh.... I think it is what it is, though. If they have to tour in the U.S. that's how you get exposure I suppose. Besides, they've got some shows with Ensi and Amon Amorth (whom I'm partial towards) which is a good line-up.

4. Drop tuned guitars. Ugh! I never thought COB would stoop to that Nu-metal garbage level. It's bush league.

That's nonsense. You telling me you don't like Angels Don't Kill as a song?

5. The whole F-U attitude thing. COB used to have a mystique about them that was great. Now they are just "We are a bunch of trashy overdrinking thrashers." I don't find that cool.

That IS their real attitude, though. IMO it's better for a band to be themselves than to be fake. It's kind of unfortunate that they seem to have that image nowadays but hey... it is what it is.

6. Ending EVERY concert with Downfall. Dudes, I've seen you 6 times (And I do feel blessed to be able to say that) but you have tons of great ending songs, use another one.

Maybe the new album has some kind of banger in it, eh?

That's it for now. Alexi is one of the few people I've ever really idolized for his innate genius, but I must say it does bum me out to see him not utilize his talent to it's full potential and drink himself to death. Someone needs to have an intervention with him, he is too great to lose.

That's a hard thing to comment on. As for the music style, as a band you want to gather more fans all the time. I don't think COB would be satisfied playing small gigs for their entire careers. As for the drinking, I really can't comment. How can you or I really make judgement if drinking is hampering his music writing? At least in interviews it seems like Alexi was REALLY trying for RFF, staying up countless hours, etc...

I'm sorry but your entire post just screams I want the old COB back, which I think really needs to just end once and for all for everyone. These guys are in their 30s now, and they're not magically going to regain their teen attitude on everything. I'd do unspeakable things for another follow the reaper, but as a realist I know it's not gonna happen.
I would enjoy to see them start a gig with Taste of My Scythe for a weird opener, and play Downfall as second while people are still in the euphoria, then really kickstart the gig with an aggressive song or two before first passage. Or they could start a gig with a strong track from the new album, but I'd like to see surprises like that earlier in the set. What I would also like is for them to sort of submerge into Follow the Reaper mode with the flag and all and play 5 songs from that album back to back, because it's so different somehow and they will need to scrap some of the newer style songs as it's probably good to have a good deal of variety. I can imagine them playing only Blooddrunk and LDB from the last two albums from now on, if they want to add the best 4 songs from RRF to the setlist.
And I want them to play 2 hour setlists instead of a lousy 90 minutes.
Sometimes not all things will happen. They do usually have at least 1 old fan favourite on every tour. KTS on their last American tour, Decadence on the European tour.
I want Hatebreeder next!
Not all things will happen but it was a thought. Downfall deserves to be played higher in the set. It's a seriously good song, so why does it have to be made a "parody" with the ending humour and stuff. Of course the band likes to play songs that get an energetic response from the crowd. Some songs just don't work live (not just audiolly but in terms of crowd response), and I can imagine it would feel dumb to play a song that most of people don't recognize. Not sure if Downfall would feel fitting in the beginning of the set.
The last song isn't necessary humorous. It is the epic ender of a great show. It has to be full of energy and preferably an awesome intro and outro. Downfall has a great intro that is instantly recognisable and also offers the opportunity to raise the mood by shredding some on the guitar. And the chorus is also getting increasingly better so it's great to end on a high note.
Now there are obviously other songs that could fit as a last song, but the crowd does need to know it's ending and when it's a new song, it might be unexpected and come as a bummer.

As far as first songs go, they need to be just as energetic or even more so. The intro to that song is the most important aspect. LDB is a great opening song. When they used HOMT it didn't have the same impact even though it's an aggressive intro. It just goes to fast into the actual song for me to get in the mood so to speak.
Of course, the songs in the setlist should correspond in their climax-level with the enthusiasm of the crowd. That's why LDB is a great opener and Downfall a great ender. But sometimes you get bored about it when the same stuff more or less has been done for years, and to do something weird would spice up the thing a bit.
I would understand if it's just the vocals. But even the music. Especially people at their twenties (the generation who have unavoidably heard at least one song of them during their life) have a strong opinion about Bodom. Before they hear the word they usually go NOOO!! or "yuck!" or "well, I guess nobody is perfect" or "ok, I too used to listen to some Bodom when I was 13."

What the fuck is wrong about the music? I always thought they're full of incredible melodies, catchyness, aggression, amazing solos. When someone says you're just wrong about liking Bodom as music, how should you react. There's two things I don't like talking about in public: music and religions, because everyone has different understanding level. Maybe they take the music too seriously and can't enjoy it.

I too hated them at age 14 and thought they were ridiculous. But I did recognize something interesting about the music. And only when we got drunk one cool night at summer house did I start digging them for real, even tho I first told my buddy to put that shit off.

One thing common about the haters is bad self-esteem. It's also what I had when I was 14. The haters feel the music 'threatening' on some primitive level of mind, and are unable to take it with a tiny portion of humor.

Lol, m8, listen - live your life and let others live theirs, there's no point in trying to change someone else.

If someone hates COB, he's an idiot... but that's not your or mine problem, it's his... ^^