Why do people hate COB?

To mock those who write "m8" I always say aloud "M-eight". Usually gets some chuckles and people know what I am referring to.

Something I don't get is when someone who does not like Bodom says that they are "boring" and "not exciting". Children of Bodom is the only band I actually find myself labeling as "exciting". Not even my most favorite albums from other bands can be labeled as exciting. The youth and spunk of the first two albums mixed with the solos and expertise of the next two (including the great choruses) absolutely deserve the title of "exciting music". I only hang on now because I enjoy the latest two but I agree that they haven't been nearly as exciting. The first four are albums I have never drawn bored of. I always find a reason to go back and listen to them and have my moments in my daily routine (or weekly or monthly) where they need to be.

Bodom isn't my favorite band/artist. That goes to Devin Townsend and all his projects but I have never even seen his music as being exciting. Some parts energetic but never on the same level as Bodom. Same goes with Bathory, Darkthrone, Kalmah, Hypocrisy, insert any band here from my Last.FM top 25.
ok i onlry read the first page or 2 but it sounds like u want ppl that dont like metal too like cob seems like u want ppl that dont listen to metal to listen too cob ppl that hate metal will always have that shitty opinion that the vocals are too intense i think the real issue here is bodoms own fans turning there backs on them saying everything they put out since hatebreeder is shit these people still stick around to critisize every move they make thats the real issue not getting some1 who dosent listen to the shit into it anyways arent we sposto not give a flying fuck i personaly could listen to every cob song and say that i fuking love it maybe not every part but every alblum as a whole has made it my favorite band in history ill support them in anything they do well not anything...lol anyways relentless reckless forever sounds like its gunna be in ur fucking face and kik ur fuking ass so im not complaining.....fuck those mainstream fucks the less of them u convert the better...
what is it u are confused about it would be hilarious if cob opend there set with downfall and turisas has a kik ass alblum out right now called stand up and fight clear enuf???
You just need to listen to it without the previous albums or even a 'metal feeling' in mind. It's their weakest album, but I do enjoy it very much. But I enjoy the new Moonsorrow a bit more.
meh most ppl say it grows on u i listened to it at first with the feeling like holy fack this is gunna b amazing but yea i definitely think u gota give this one a chance not as good as varangian way but a good effort i guess haha