why DO things happen?

its called cell lose. OUr cells die. ANd when they do, we change. I think thats right anyway.

I do know they say that time does not age us, but our genes do. Desighned to age and die.
Because God wills us to.:lol:
Uuuuhhhh,I dunno about aging,but I guess we die because living forever would suck.You'd have to see everyone around you grow old and die if you were the only immortal,but if we were all immortal...I supose we'd just get tired of living after a while.
actually, NASA is working on making ppl live 500 yrs. Nad they are also working on making ppl with 4 arms, no legs, a very strong heart, and hardened pelvis bones. Gene fucking is what they are doing. I'd go for 500 yrs, hell yeah
Originally posted by ledmag
actually, NASA is working on making ppl live 500 yrs. Nad they are also working on making ppl with 4 arms, no legs, a very strong heart, and hardened pelvis bones. Gene fucking is what they are doing. I'd go for 500 yrs, hell yeah
You'd WANT to live for 500 yrs.?

So,basically,the gov't is working on creating a race of mutants w/4 arms and no legs?WHY?
:lol: 4 arms... i want 4 arms and 2 legs..... then i can be Goro from Mortal Kombat for halloween :lol: anway, ya... i wanna live for 500 yrs! and be in a band when i turn 20! 480 years of fucking metal!!
DNDS>>>For long term space travel. In space, your heart shrinks, and your pelvis deteriorates at a very large rate. In order to survive in zero gravity for long periods of time, you hav eto exersice very vigorously everyday. Too much for a human to endure. You would have to exercise to the point that you would be doin it for nearly 8 or 10 hours a day. Its hard to exercise and do anygood when everything is weightless.

They are also doing studies on how to make a brain work more effecient. IN other words, they are trin to figure out to clone a human, and add some things and take away some things, make some better like the heart, and bones, and use all the brain, or at least a large portion of it., instead of the little amount that we use now
The 4 arms.....well, you dont need your feet if you live in zero gravity. BUt 4 arms sure would come in handy. Yeah, theyve been workin on this for a few yrs now.

500 yr life spans......well, it takes centuries to go anywhere space, even at light speed, so a longer life span would be very nice for an astro.

I think its a great idea.
DNDS>>Well, if they ever get to the point that they can make us live 500, they say that they will be able to get rid of all the bad genes in any fetus. No retards, no cancer, no virus or desies will be safe if they get as far as the 4 legs etc.
Well,if everyone was able to live for 500 yrs.,then I guess there wouldn't be the problem of having to watch everyone else age and die while you stay young.But what if it was 500 yrs. of never finding ANYONE?Not having any friends or a home or a community of any kind?500 yrs. of being TOTALLY alone?
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot
I would not want to live for 500 yrs.What if you turned out to have some type of terminal disease, like cancer.How long would you want to live then?
well since cancer KILLS you anyway.....