Why do you like metal??

I don't know why I like metal. It just "feels" right when I listen to it. It's aesthetically pleasing, it energizes me and lifts my moods (or darkens it), and I can even relate to some of the artists I listen to.

I guess the shorter version of that answer would be: Because it just sounds damn good!
I like the music I like because it's good. Most of it is metal, because... well it is like that.
And I like the metal-mentality and what it's all about...
Because Jazz is too soft for me.
And Classic has boring lyrics...

I don't believe there's another type of music that has so many cool people and bands who put so much thought into everything that is connected with their music. I listen to everything from hard Death Metal and complex Prog Metal to 'depressing' Doom Metal and atmpspheric stuff. Outside of the metal genre there are very few bands/musicians that can catch my interest, because most of it is either simple hit-crap or other commercial stuff with untalented 'musicians'. Metal seems to be THE music style, because everyone who is intelligent AND open-minded seems to like it. The proof is this board.
metal music got a power , an agresivity sometimes but when even not , still power (not that nu-metal comercial shit of course)
it does have something other do not have. i love classic music much , but sometimes its so sweet and soft that i just feel to
go back to this metal power again...thats why i love symphonic metal ! therion and nightwish are great bands...
i cant really say i like metal to tell you the truth. i hate, well thats to harsh, i just dont like/listen to bands like Megadeath, Maiden, and well loads of old school stuff, i just dont like it. i just like some of it i suppose, the stuff that sounds good to me. anyway that goes for any genre, i just like the stuff that sounds good. oh and opeth sound fucking brilliant.
Tough question. My love for metal is irrational and hard for me to explain. It just has some special sort of energy that fuels an otherwise mostly simplistic and repetitive form. Metal is surely not the ultimate music - other directions can be much more fulfilling when you pay full attention to the music - but somehow half of my top 10 of all time are still metal records.

Nico16 : Classical has boring lyrics ? That was a terrible mistake and you must be punished ! :heh: Seriously, that's equal to saying "Metal has boring kazoo parts". You'll have to back up your statement.

D Mullholand
Nico16 : Classical has boring lyrics ? That was a terrible mistake and you must be punished ! Seriously, that's equal to saying "Metal has boring kazoo parts". You'll have to back up your statement.

Well there is that Cryptopsy cd ..and then you'll beg...
Cause metal is a kind of music that can represent (damn,this isn't the correct word) a great deal of emotions/moods blah blah
from depression to elation....
also since some metal-genres differ so much from each other, it's really a varied kind of music and I love it :)
Originally posted by D Mullholand
Nico16 : Classical has boring lyrics ? That was a terrible mistake and you must be punished ! :heh: Seriously, that's equal to saying "Metal has boring kazoo parts". You'll have to back up your statement.
maybe he meant like classic rock? :confused:
It sparks something in me, metal is like a drug for my brain, I get cravings. I find it the most pleasing to my senses, it is just the best music for me.
Uhm...I don't know...I just like metal..mostly what people have already said here...I haven't always listened to metal, I had once a heretic-perioid :rolleyes: :D but then I got into metal again...It just feels right...I love it! :loco: