why does my body moves when i listen to Time Takes Us All


Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
its soo wierd, everytime when i listen to Time Takes Us All, my body moves automaticly with the song, head banging, moving my hand as if i'm drumin (i play guitar btw), and movin my feet as if i'm doing double bass, hehe, ppl laugh at me, cuz this happenes to me at class, malls, home, everywhere, lol but i dont give a fuck, as long as i'm happy. The moment i press play i feel a spirit conqured my body and moves uncontroled by me, and i feel like i wanna fly away with the song haha, :headbang:

But the Q is, am i the only one that happens to me??
Sorry, I don't move around much when i listen to music. Well, not physically anyway. I'm usually very moved on the inside, though.
that song is hot.. but
Using The Word/Bird of Ill Omen/Cloned Insanity

those three are simply amazing