Why does Orchid never get any love?

Do you even like music? lol


The album is fucking weak. And funnily enough, Philno and I_M_T_O_D summed up why.. Although it seems they both prefer the album to me.

I personally don't think it's that good an album. I'd give it 6/10 overall.. It's got 2 of my most hated Opeth tracks (Under The Weeping Moon and The Twilight Is My Robe), and only In Mist She Was Standing being breaks away from the general mediocrity of the album.

I do like interesting songwriting.. But Orchid's songwriting isn't interesting.. It's just crap.
^Yeah, I know your not Orchid's biggest fan, tbh I've often felt the first two get a couple extra points from me just based upon the fact I love the next 3 so much. It's kinda of like the beatles Let it Be, while a good album I always rank it higher than it deserves pretty much because I love a lot of their previous material.
I love Orchid very much. My favorite parts are the end guitar solos and the acoustic bit from The Twilight is my Robe and of course many parts of In Mist She Was Standing. That song has some of Mike's coolest growl/scream work, I think.

Standing silent, smiling at my preSENCE
A black candle holds the only LIIIIIGHT

What I don't like about Orchid are the less-refined lyrics and the long, boring part of Under the Weeping Moon.
I adore Orchid. however, Morningrise is perfect. Possibly my favorite Opeth album.
I do like Morningrise.. And there is a big level of sentimental attachment to Advent as it was the first song of theirs i heard..

But Nectar is a festering turd of a track.
Most of the Opeth listeners have found Opeth with albums like SL and BWP, not with Orchid or Morningrise. Therefore Opeth's sound of that era seems old, outdated and inferior to that they've (like me) discovered. And few are those to like the sound quality of those albums.
The "I am the watcher in the skies.." bit in UTWM is still one of my
all-time favourite Opeth moments. I dig Mike's higher register-growls.
I find it funny how some people use abbreviations to name Opeth songs. Imagine doing this with Bal Sagoth songs:

My #1 Bal Sagoth song is ALWTIMAGKTDSSETCOTOC followed by TSOATSGBTBOTHE! Damn those 2 kick ass :p
Orchid and Mourningrise are among my two favorite albums of all time. While some people find them cheezy and I can understand why, I dont see that. I look to the amazing atmospheric vibe they captured so perfectly. Ive never herd any other band do it so well. Great songs, As far as Orchid goes, theres not a single track thats anything short of amazing. My personal favorites are, The twilight is my Robe, Apostle, Silhouette and Forest of October.
i love orchid and other opeth albums.Forest of october,silhouette,in mist she was standing,under the weeping moon :) they are really good songs :) it's my opinion ;)
Nordin's drumming is the reason why I find Orchid unlistenable. It's all double bass, his drums sound like shit, and everything is simple to the point of retardation. Add to that, none of the riffs on the album make up for the drumming. The only song that i can listen to with and regularity is Apostle.
Well, I love 'Orchid', mainly for 'In Mist She Was Standing' and 'The Twilight Is My Robe'. Once the former really gets going, it's fucking unstoppable, and it has what is easily one of my favorite climaxes in any Opeth song. Such an outburst of sorrow and passion... and then such a forlorn hush after it. Just amazing. And Mike's harsh vocals on 'Orchid' are fantastic, very youthful and intense.
Sanding silent... smiling at my PRESAAAARGHHHHHHHHHENCE. A black candle holds the only ligggghhhhhrrrrttttt.

Orchid slays in my opinion.