Why don't any of you lot like HIM?

Tut Ankh Amon said:
be quiet or your picture will end up in my sig too :lol:

HIM >>>>>>>>> Tut Ankh Amon

Here, let me get you started. :Smug:

LedByTheReaper said:
if they were untalended then they wouldnt have got a major record deal then would they? and maybe they need more time to mature.. who knows.. look at AFi, there early stuff is pretty poo but there new album is good.. and i own every him cd.. heh

well since I am going to school to work in the music industry, I can assure you that just because you get signed to a record doesn't mean you are talented. It just means they think that there is a market for you band and that they might be able to capture a certain market of 'average' people to buy it. Oviously they are going after young goth girls and faggy goth guys.

I mean it is simple enough to figure out anyways
Unless theyre born with it.

Ville Valo fucks me up. He sings like an ass monkey on weed, his lyrics are gay and he manages to turn his fans into homos. My grandma is more metal than him, and she's dead. The heartagram is the lamest attempt at a metal logo ever created. "A mix of good and evil" what the goddamn fuck.
Am I allowed to point out for that sake of argument that Ville pulls more chicks than all of you. Combined.
