Why don't any of you lot like HIM?

Tut Ankh Amon said:
i have a personal rant against them:
they've ruined a chris isaac song, i cant listen to a band that has done that.

they're also very very gay and prove that a big part of the female metalheads are INDEED teenage girls who like to dress in black :lol: :p

they're also not scottish. So they're crap.

hahahaha :tickled:
if they were untalended then they wouldnt have got a major record deal then would they? and maybe they need more time to mature.. who knows.. look at AFi, there early stuff is pretty poo but there new album is good.. and i own every him cd.. heh
TheSeldomlaid said:
^I would NOT! :p

I'd sell yours, though :p

Psh, I've already put yours up on ebay. I have this huge CD list of stuff I need to get, let's hope you get me some good old English sterling. :D
Eh, some of their songs are okay, but I'm not a big fan of them.

They're great when you're in the whiney about love mood, but other than that, they're too damn whiney!
-Gavin- said:
Well, i haven't fucking seen you in a long-assed time, how are you doing?
lol. Good. Forgot about this place.. I'll stick around for a while this time hopefully...

Blech, school calls. See you all later.
Glad to be back! :wave: