Why hasn't this board been renamed yet?

(still new Australians)

Although when Kiwiland is made a part of our great country (which I'm sure will happen), I'll embrace both of you as brothers.
It wasn't meant to be hilarious, it's METAL !!!

200m of 2mm galvanised fence wire and 170 hours of my time went into that coif.

200m of 2mm galvanised fence wire is 5Kg, so it's fucking heavy.

So it's Heavy Metal !!

(not hilarious)

(what is hilarious is when I made everyone in my family wear it, and stuck every photo on one page of a photo album)
He looks like one of the guys who found the Holy Grail. Is it really up in Lithgow now?
'kin oath the grail is in Lithgow - we call it the "Big Miner's Lamp", or "Lithgow's answer to the Springfield Monorail".

Phlogiston, no, there is no padding. It is ALL metal. I gave it to my best mate for Christmas, and he's even more "forehead endowed" than I am. After an evening in chainmail on the Turps, Killer's forehead (maybe fivehead) looks a lot like one of those wire mesh chairs at primary school.
Shannow: can I suggest that you invest in some felt then? It's not quite as metal, but at least your forhead won't bleed.

I also seem to be assuming that's it something you wear regularly. You don't like, wear it to work or anything like that?
Spiff said:
But I'm not really a new Australian, I've lived here for 27 years...
So are you 26 and 3 months ??????

i.e. conceived here ???

We've got special rules for you boat people

"sikkem Ruddock !!!"

(although it doesn't have the "ant's pants" connotations)
I wore it to work one day.

But only one day.

I made a chainmail drink coaster for work to avoid the persecution of those who don't like maille.
Exactly and as long as they dont cross the seal they live forever. So I hear people throw him a fish or two every day.

spawn said:
Does Lithgow drink from it at town gatherings?
Nope, it's not even open yet. It's fucked. The council spent a shitcan of money on a nondescript pile of bricks and metal ('cept it's not "METAL")

We drink from "Lithgow Valley Springs", the water source for the old Lithgow Brewery that clsoed down about 100 years ago.

As to town gatherings, there's a battle between the Masons and the Anglicans at present. There's fuck all gatherings between those lot !!!
Spiff said:
Shannow, I was born in New Zealand and moved here when I was 8 months old.
Yeah, you were just a wee bit quicker than most of the New Zealanders who come here and bludge off the Australian taxpayer !!

.............sickem Ruddock (maybe Vanstone)