Why hasn't this board been renamed yet?

But I'm a taxpayer and have been for quite a few years. Also, all of the New Zealanders I know happen to work and also pay taxes.

Don't mind me, I'm just in the sort of mood where I take offence at what is quite obviously a light-hearted dig at a cultural stereotype. :)
light hearted dig ???

Well fuck you, as an indiginous (or is that disingenious ??) Australian, I can wholeheartedly say "fuck you and the boat that you rode in on" (Vanstone taught us that one).

BTW, it's good to see New Zealanders paying taxes !!!

BTTW, how did you get to be a judge on Australain Idle, given that you were'nt born here ....(errrrrm, delete that last comment)
BTTW, I think it's ridiculous that Aus and NZ haven't joined forces and become a world superpower.

(On behalf of Aussies, I DO make a formal apology for the possum being sent there to keep you guys awake at night)

And I'm sorry also that you can buy a VL commodore with a 4cyl engine.
I guess I haven't been as active as usual, that's true Lord Tim.

I am of course the sexiest, but if you put two terminally ill husbands there, THEN WHO KNOWS WHAT MIGHT HAPPEN!
Southy said:
and Shannow that is an awesome look, I love what is written above the avatar :lol:
It's based on when I was helping out a mate from work, who has a farm.

His town water pipe ran through his brother in law's property, which was OK, until the Mother in Law died, and they ended up in court over the estate (usual family bullshit). So the brother wanted the pipe off his land.

We decided the easiest way to follow the pipe was to put a single tine plough on the back of the tractor, and plough down to, and along it.

It was the middle of the drought, and the ground was pretty tough. Jim couldn't see the pipe from on the tractor, so we had a great idea......

I'd stand on the plough, and control how much pressure is exerted to dig it in, and 'cause I could see the pipe, I could direct his driving.

All was going really really well, until we hit a tree root !!.

Thus the stunt plough rider.
Nah, I did one of those great stuntman type "bounce off the tractor tyre" scenes, landing in a sweaty ball on the dust.

Only a couple of bruises was all......and a fucked up story that seemed like t was a pretty good idea at the time.
MetalMeshuggahMan said:
Spiffy just say "Yes I do eat green eggs and ham" and everything should be alrrrriiiggghhtt
Hey, I like that book.

Rhiannon hands it (and others to you)...."read it", and you have to. cause she's 14 months old.....but it drives you crazy.
I've retired as a stunt plough rider (partly in response to my new found responsibilities, and partly because we dug up Jim's pipe, and moved it outside his borther in law's fence....mostly the latter).
But kid stuff is really good fun.

Was fixing a flat tyre on the pram on Sunday, when a hand is placed on my shoulder, and she says "Wot oo dooo ?", then sat and watched.

An hour later, she was trying to change the valve inserts with her toys.
Hell yeah man, you should see my sons get together and conspire to do things TJ is 4 years older and knows how to play the game to annoy you just enough, and let the dog out and blame his brother :lol: