why is anders such an under rated lyricist?

Pitiless Wanderer

Active Member
Jun 14, 2002
Salt Lake City, UT
his lyrics (like the band's music) are really awesome on the 'classic' albums. i still think the lyrics to as the future repeats today are really really good...he seems to get no credit though.

Yeah if you call Clayman a classic album sure.. but Lunar strain to Whoracle Anders wasn't the main lyricwriter. On colony he did most of the lyrics (with assistance from Niklas Sundin). So that should probably explain why he doesn't get much credit for the classic albums. But if you count Clayman, R2R and Soundtrack to your escape as classic IF albums.. then sure.. ;)
Because they are mostly metaphors and unless its plain cut and dry in your face most people dont get the meanings because its to much thinking invloved.
no because anders likes teh peenie up da buttsex all night wit his suga mama on da rocks don cha know dat fool now he monkey go bye bye hehehehheeeheeroflmaololz!!!1!11
I love the lyrics of Anders... but they are too abstract for a lot of people... you really have to dig to find meaning in many songs and most people do not wish to do that
Destroyer Of Orden said:
I love the lyrics of Anders... but they are too abstract for a lot of people... you really have to dig to find meaning in many songs and most people do not wish to do that

I love you. In a totally NON-homo erotic type of way .
Devy_Metal said:
colony is my favorite album, musically and lyrically, and the band's all around best effort, so from that to clayman then, lol ...two good albums with good lyrics!

Colony was boring and inconsistent. My least favorite In Flames album.
Devillicus said:
You wouldn't happen to have heard Soundtrack To your Escape would you?

I dunno, I thought Colony was prety classy.

I've heard it all. Colony had some awesome songs, but I can't remember the last time I sat through the whole album. I'll get past Coerced Coexistance and then get bored and put something else on *shrug*
im from NH too.....cool.


colony is easily their best effort. best production, best guitar tone, best vocals, best songs (zombie inc, their best ever). i agree the very last song, the new world, aside from the instrumental breakdown, is pretty boring (hows that for a sentence). all the others are classics though.
The deluxe edition of Colony is even better.

Having the instrumental Man Made God at the very end tops the album off in such a perfect way, adding much more of a savory edge that enhances the feel of the material that can be found on the regular edition.
Actually, I find Man Made God to be a cut-and-paste instruemental that does absolutely nothing new, and I'm glad my edition of Colony doesn't have it, because The New Word is a blazing closer.