Why is Death considered the first DM band?

Is Coroner the first technical death Metal band

Bro, for crying out loud Coroner is thrash (technical yes, but thrash), and the best in business.
The production on their all of their albums is worse than the shittiest of 80s/90s DM bands.

Y qué?

Listen lad, a bad production can stain (but not kill) a really good song (99 % of Coroner material), but the best possible production available CAN NOT help a crappy composition (countless bands out there).
In reality, it is all about "putting a label" on something different. Black Sabbath is highly regarded as the first "metal" band, yet Blue Cheer had distorted guitars and was headbanging before BS.
Be that as it may, BC was not the "complete" metal package while BS was at the time... to me BC and BS are apples and oranges... One was truely metal and the other had elements of it... if at all.
I'm not sure that they were the very first death metal band, but Possessed is definitely death metal and they were also around before Death. Death is also the most overrated death metal band.
And this came out in May 87

True, but DEATH had several HIGHLY traded and played demos out in 84/85 and those blew away anything that was previously known (= "Haunting The Chapel" SLAYER).

The first DEATH LP that was widely available (at least here in Germany) was actually a bootleg LP of their official live tape and that was like 2 years before "Scream Bloody Gore".

Metal-Archives doesn't really teach history as it really happened I guess :)
Is Coroner the first technical death Metal band ? They were doing those high screech type vocals that were popularized by bands like Children of Bodom long before they arrived.

The answer to your question would be HELLWITCH. Though all their songs were released on CD in 1990 and later, the material of their first album predates all CORONER by several years (Hell, "Nosferatu" is from 1984) as is documented by demo recordings.
Metal-Archives doesn't really teach history as it really happened I guess :)

What else is new? :Smokedev:

Nice call on Hellwitch, I still recall small ads of them in magazines back in the day. At the time I considered their cover on "Syzygial Miscreancy" a rip-off of Forbidden debut cover :D