Why is everyone posting there mixes in the main page now?

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Joshua Wickman

Yes Sir!
Feb 11, 2009
I know its to get more attention. Seems it's just a flood of threads with finished mixes from people. Anyone else agree?

Maybe have the Rate my mix section include finished mixes as well. I just feel if this keeps up the whole main page will be finished mixes, stems and there own bands finished mix/album threads. Don't get me wrong i love reading these threads as well. I just think they need a place and not on the main page.
I don't think it's such a big problem. If you spend a month or so making an album and you are proud of it and it is all mastered and done i don't see the problem :)

This isn't a big forum and i think it is interesting to see what people do arouund here :)
Yea i understand the wanting to show off your work thing. I just hate having to sort through those threads to find the other threads on the main page. Seems it was one finished mix thread a month ago, now its half of the front page. At this rate, next month will be all finished mix threads on the main page.

Again, i love checking out what my fellow engineers have been hard at work at. Plus these treads have tons of great info. I just feel there needs to be a place for them to keep things a little cleaner on the main page. If i want to check out peoples work (finished or not) i used to go to the rate my mix section. I don't understand why this changed now, wait yes i do. Wish the mods would start bumping these threads to the rate my mix section or build a sub forum for them.
Totally agree with you man. I suggest that unfinished mixes/tests go in the Rate-my-mix section and finished projects that you don't want mixing advice for -> off-topic section.
Totally agree with you man. I suggest that unfinished mixes/tests go in the Rate-my-mix section and finished projects that you don't want mixing advice for -> off-topic section.

Glad i'm not alone on this. I think the whole point of the rate my mix/tone was originally for mixes to be posted in, finished or not finished. There are so many mixes posted there its hard to get the same attention and then people started posting to the main page because of this. Most i'm sure just seen mixes posted on the front page and started posting there projects and stuff on it as well not knowing any better.
Unfortunately rate my mix forum has been inundated with ppl posting derp, what's my podtact sound like. In order to get the promotion deserved for full on completed projects, people have to go via the main page to really get any traffic.
Well, all you're gonna achieve that way is to convert the main into a second rate-my-mix section that no one bothers paying attention to.
Unfortunately rate my mix forum has been inundated with ppl posting derp, what's my podtact sound like. In order to get the promotion deserved for full on completed projects, people have to go via the main page to really get any traffic.

The word "Derp" makes me laugh so hard when i read it. There is only a few people posting mixes on the main page right now but if all of the people doing this full time post mixes on the main page there will be nothing else on there but mixes. Then just like Soundlurker said "all you're gonna achieve that way is to convert the main into a second rate-my-mix section".
I've noticed this as well. I sorta feel guilty, as a matter of fact. I just posted some stems for people to mix, and I suppose I should clarify that they should post their mixes either in that specific thread, or in the 'rate my mix' section.

I just posted them there so it was more accessible you know?
I think that's fine, IMO, Nick. But I agree with the idea finished mixes et al should go in the off-topic section... or dare I say it... a new sub-forum for finished stuff? :lol:
Heaven forbid we post finished mixes that we've worked on in a professional basis, or discuss other commercial mixes like Nickelback's latest album in this forum. Personally, I want to see MORE of what you guys out there are putting out, not posting hate.

Sound the alarms, the sky is falling :erk:
I don't think its a big deal. Its mainly credible, finished projects that make their way on to the main page. That's fine by me.

Unfortunately rate my mix forum has been inundated with ppl posting derp, what's my podtact sound like. In order to get the promotion deserved for full on completed projects, people have to go via the main page to really get any traffic.

Exactly. I posted a cool dirty hardcore track I'd done recently and it just gets lost amongst lame-core, djent and (as you've accurately put it) derp.

I do sometimes take some time to listen to mixes by less experienced members and share my thoughts and offer advice too.

Well, all you're gonna achieve that way is to convert the main into a second rate-my-mix section that no one bothers paying attention to.

It doesn't seem that way at the moment. If a n00b posts a lame, unfinished, clipping djent-scene-gay-core mix on the front page, I'm pretty sure it will get moved to the rate my mix section (after taking some shit from the shit-giving members here).

I'm fine with a finished production being put up. A lot of the time its a way to showcase some new talent anyway. I recently put up something I did with 2 cool bands and I'm sure some people would have checked out the bands a little bit more and listened to their stuff because of it.
Probably because no one ever looks at the rate-my-mix forum. There are people legitimately posting mixes that they need help with (aka not pod/superior/slate bedroom warriors) and they don't get touched.
Heaven forbid we post finished mixes that we've worked on in a professional basis

Did anyone say not to discuss or not to post finished mixes at all? No, just saying there needs to be a place to do this instead of on the main page.

, or discuss other commercial mixes like Nickelback's latest album in this forum. Personally

Who said anything about not discussing comercial mixes like Nickelback? I just think the main page is not the place to promote your work. It will become a flood of threads of mixes from people like me.

Sound the alarms, the sky is falling :erk:
Unfortunately rate my mix forum has been inundated with ppl posting derp, what's my podtact sound like. In order to get the promotion deserved for full on completed projects, people have to go via the main page to really get any traffic.

Yup. Go to a forum with huge traffic, like gearslutz and check how many hits their 'mixes' section gets. Pretty much nothing there either.

People generally don't seem to like wading through every bedroom project to get to 'release quality' stuff. I think if you've worked for a few months on a project, and the client has invested serious money, its valid to take up a single spot on the main page. God forbid your weeks of hard work inconvenience someone to roll their mousewheel one more time!

If you recall there were days we had no sub forums here at all. Nobody died. To my knowledge, they were in fact the golden years.
I know its to get more attention. Seems it's just a flood of threads with finished mixes from people. Anyone else agree?

Maybe have the Rate my mix section include finished mixes as well. I just feel if this keeps up the whole main page will be finished mixes, stems and there own bands finished mix/album threads. Don't get me wrong i love reading these threads as well. I just think they need a place and not on the main page.

The rate my mix area always struck me as a place for work in progress. If your work is finished, and you don't need constructive input, I see no reason to post it there.

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