Why is it so hard to find band members? v. rant


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Sure when I started playing years ago in junior high, I had a bunch of friends who also started and it was the usual guys I was going to be in a band with and take over the world or some shit.

10 years later, they hardly play, in the military, turned to drugs etc. It's been such a pain finding people to even jam with. They are either 30+ years old with 2 kids and a bitchy wife or just don't give a fuck. It's just a shame to see my best friends who would rock out for hours a few years back not even care anymore. I don't know, maybe they've grown up or something.

I'm probably not looking in the right spot or something. It's hard enough finding good musicians but even harder to find those who are into and play metal. It's always a blast jamming with some guys on the acoustic or some I IV V progression but it gets old. I almost want to make the move to Berklee (but I know I'll be in years of student debt) or just say fuck it and go Finland or something. Musicians everywhere up in that bitch. :lol:

Rant over.
I'm in the same boat. All my friends that I grew up with (all basically musicians) quit. I even have most of there gear. It does suck, people go in different paths and that child hood dream gets fucked. There are very few that love music so much they can't imagine life with out it...... no matter what the consequences! :kickass:
Can you imagine if we had our own little Sneap continent? There would be so many fucking KILLER bands if we combined members of this forum.

I know there has been a few bands to come out of here that are wicked (namely The Unrest) I'm hoping to find some guys and meet up to put something together. I'm getting desperate. o_O
You oughta try Craigslist dude, or classifieds in your local music store(s)/newspapers. Sorry though, I'm spoiled cuz I'm in a college with a big music industry department, but I still have a hard time finding guys who wanna play metal and not metalcore (I will never play a breakdown as long as I live).
You oughta try Craigslist dude, or classifieds in your local music store(s)/newspapers. Sorry though, I'm spoiled cuz I'm in a college with a big music industry department, but I still have a hard time finding guys who wanna play metal and not metalcore (I will never play a breakdown as long as I live).

I feel that. So many guys want these break downs and everything to sound southern (like ETID which I really don't give two shits for)

The colleges around me are filled with Indie hippies. If anyone has been to gainsville (Uni. of Florida) you would see hippies everywhere.

I'm not closed minded, I like some of it but I want to play metal. :heh:
In my case, I had a band with really talented musicians, and we where(Still are) good friends.
But they fucked up all rehearsals by coming either drunk, or hungover, and today they didnt even bother to show up, and they didnt even call me(and I live about 20km from our rehearsal.).
This of course made me pissed of, so I quit the band today.
So now im standing here in a Swedish town, not being able to find any good musicians to play with, because either they are bitchy, drugaddicts or occupied with other bands/work.
Fuck... if even the Swedes can't find band members, I don't think there's hope for any of us. :lol:

But seriously, in college, I expect to be able to find at least decently like-minded musicians. Between the 5,000 or so kids in the high schools in my town, I've found 2 guys I really get along with and gel with, musically - that means I should be able to find 6-8 at a good sized university! :headbang:
yeah i think its the same everywhere. i came up with the conclusion, you don't need a band to create your music, if you want it bad enough it will all come in good time.
Yeah, there's always SOMETHING. Drugs, kids, cunt wife/girlfirend, money. It's always something. I've had enough singers flake out on me in the past couple of years to last a lifetime. I just split with my latest one this week. He just couldn't play a show without being a drunk, beligerent, asshole. And he said when we started "he would never drink at a show" Fuck!
So now im standing here in a Swedish town, not being able to find any good musicians to play with, because either they are bitchy, drugaddicts or occupied with other bands/work.

This pretty laughable lol, if you, in the most metallic nation of the world, can't find any good mate to start a band with... well that's pretty fucked up!!
Keep on looking for new guys I bet you'll find them :)

Come on sweden it's the paradise of metalheads ;)

been there once and I love your culture/design/music!
You can't find musicians your age?
Why just didn't go,and play with younger musicians?
But-they're don't need another guitarist or bassist-because there a lot of them!
Did you agree?
And-all,that you can do in this case-to be a drummer,because drummers are rare.
I think-it's a good way to find band members.

I really don't care about age, if I could find a bunch of 16 year olds who could lay down some metal then that'd be :kickass:

I just love the guitar and have spent way too much time practicing- plus I can't really think like a drummer all the time. But you are right, good drummers are rare and I've had friend guitarists who switched in better hopes of forming a band.
I was in a band with a 15 year old kid (I'm 18). It was cool but he wanted to just hang out with his friends and goof around. I can't blame him, that's what being 15 is all about.