Why is it so hard to find band members? v. rant

Anyone else notice that singers never want to buy shit? I'm the drummer in my band, and I buy everything! PA, mics, recording equipment, EVERYTHING. And here our singer is, always needing to be picked up places (he doesn't have a car), and he's never bought a DAMN THING!


Yeah, we are about to fire him...
Wow. And I thought I was screwed simply because I was in Nebraska!
Our band has been through 3 drummers. The first was a psychotic that tried to kill me at almost every practice.
The second was a drunk fuck who always showed up wasted.
One gig we played with him, we had to use all of our gig money to pay off his bar tab.:zombie: Less to say, he was fired after that.

Now we have a drummer that can play his ass off, but we lost our bassist along the way! :erk: Its been over a year and still no bassists. Either no one here can keep up, or they can't get their shit together. Thanks to our old drummer the drunk, we have a rule that no one drinks at all before a gig. In the rare case that we find someone who's "pretty good," as soon as they hear that, they want nothing to do with us.

At this point we've just fuck it and play shows without a bassist. Its not the same, but we do what we can to make up for it. :rock:

Just for the no drinking rule i would fucking move over there to play bass.

I would love to be in a band with some of you guys. Lets all move to Bergen hah.
I'm so glad I'm playing in a band with my best friends and my fiance. It's working out so perfectly. We're getting better and better on our instruments. Everyone is really giving the best he/she can. We try not to set us under pressure and since then it's even better.

Our bassplayer just got a bigger transporter so playing gigs and transporting our equiptment is no problem anymore. We still have no pa... I guess I will pay the whole thing. Everything else leads to fights in the case the band would brake up. At least for me. So everyone pays a bit. Okay... it's not always fair but that's the way it is and we try hard to give everyone a job and a possibility to invest into the band. It just wouldn't work if the bassplayer gets the kickdrummic and the other guitarplayer get's the overhead.

We are the ones in the band that will be engineering. So we will pay for the most stuff. That's the way it is.
Well i think i can call myself a lucky fellow :)

My band is all about talented guys/girl (our bassplayer is female) and all of them our motivated :)
No one does weed or alcohol during rehearsals and gigs, we're still inspired and motivated. It all works really democratic, if I have got an idea for a guitarpart everyone listens, if anyone has an idea for a drumpart I am listening.

True, the situation has been worse. It began to run smoothly when I joined the band, after a lot of singer/guitarist changes we're now having a stable line-up since October 2007.
And the best thing is that they are all great friends, if not my best :)
i feel your pain everyone! this is precisely why my friend and i decided to start learning other instruments instead of just sticking to guitar. he does vocals too now and i have been playing the drums consistently for about a year now.

i must say its been going well as a duo but we are we need at least a keyboard player or bassist to fill out the low end and to add some texture.. i know i posted a thread already but shit if anyones interested in what it sounds like when two guitarists pick up drums and vocals in hopes of creating fucking heavy metal! warning: garage quality!

visit our very own island on myspace! http://www.myspace.com/noleisland