Why is Stride so horrible?

I have to admit that, while I bought the CD at PP, I have barely listened to it yet. That said, Face The Day is STILL stuck in my head. I love that song. I was on the barrier right in front of Rick and enjoyed every minute of watching him play. Love the vocals.
I guess you arent familar with the term, Barking Pumpkin is a perfect example (speaking of where the hell has he been?). It is someone that doesnt really like music unless it is very artsy fartsy and sounds like no other band out there. At least thats my interpretation.
So i saw the new thread by theodyssey in the forum earlier today for review. Good thing i didn't drop any hard earned bucks on it. This has to be one of the most overrated posters i have ever heard of. I mean, it's not that he is any worse than any other pretentious, boring troll poster, but the fact that people actually seem to like him just confuses the shit out of me.

Also, theodyssey smells like a jock strap and needs deoderant or something.

Wishmaster said:
So i saw the new thread by theodyssey in the forum earlier today for review. Good thing i didn't drop any hard earned bucks on it. This has to be one of the most overrated posters i have ever heard of. I mean, it's not that he is any worse than any other pretentious, boring troll poster, but the fact that people actually seem to like him just confuses the shit out of me.

Also, theodyssey smells like a jock strap and needs deoderant or something.


So is it necessary to put in my 2 cents?

If so, you are going to see the opposite side of the spectrum and what I have always wanted to say to every garage band or in hindsight the many band I look at as inferior to me. This isn't an egotistical post in the sense that I think my opinion matters so much to everyone on this board, but it is 100% ego that fuels my contempt for Zach's overall statement. I agree with him that there is allot of filler/bullshit in the "prog" genre, but at least I will respect any music that is performed the way it was intended on being played and the writer felt he/she achieved that goal with the song whatever it may be. I already told Zach why Stride doesn't suck and he agreed with me (I think). I don't see the need to single out Stride, but maybe I only feel that way because I love that cd. Anyway, if Zack or anyone else want to know why I love prog get ready for a war on this board and everyone on hear will hate me more than Barking Pumpkin, as I have openly admitted to agreeing with almost every post he has ever made! He isn't going to jump in this conversation I don't think so I am thinking we need someone here to explain it, if you want me to, and who knows what the reaction will be, I will go into full detail why I feel prog (certain bands in the genre as well as bands who are truly progressive) are superior to everything else.

P.S. If I do it will be allot longer than this
theodyssey said:
So there we have it. Before i listen again and give a review, tell me: What am i listening for. What will make me "get it"?

I can only speak for myself here, but as a Stride fan, I hope you stop trying to "get it." Stride will have continued success and fan support whether you like them or not. If you need someone to hold your hand through a listening of Imagine just to help you find what you should be looking for, that's just sad.
Yeah, so i had a long response all typed out, but fuck it. I think you guys just kinda lost my sense of humor and my real question and decided i was a troll.

*Walks over to the corner to cry and feel sorry for myself*
The Fiddler said:
You capitalized the very first "I" in the very first sentence of your second post above. :Smug:

You're just a 21 year old troll. Your signature, "I hate your favorite band" proves that. You haven't accomplished anything in your life other than sucking your mom's mams and graduating from high school. But, you have posted 1,743 times in the UM forums in less than 3 years, so I guess that means something. What it means is that instead of getting off your ass and accomplishing something of merit, you'd rather spend your time critquing the efforts of those who have the balls (that you don't) to take a risk and work hard, caring not about what the critics say, but doing it their own way.

Critics like you are all the same, you hide in the mountains when the battle rages below, only to come down when the battle is over and shoot the wounded. That really takes courage and determination. :Smug:

I don't have a problem with the fact that you don't like Stride's sound, but the totally classless, baseless way you voice your comments really reveals a level of immaturity which is why I had to check your profile to see just how old you were.

Ah, come on why do you have to resort to a personal attack? Are you in the band? Do you have a financial stake in the band? If not, just spank the guy on the contents of the post, not make conjecture about his character!

I am a huge prog fan, but there are bands that I just don't "get." "Everyone" went nuts for Edguy, and all I saw was a cheesy Scorpions cover band with pretentious lyrics. "Everyone" went nuts for Pain of Salvation, and I listened to two of their albums twice and went, "eh?"

My point is that you can disagree with an opinion, but the guy has every right to it--resorting to personal attacks just takes away from his poorly phrased original question.

Unless of course he phrased it that way just to get people riled up. If that is the case, you can go right ahead and make "yo mama" insults. :tickled:
I honestly can't believe a couple of the opinions in here, but that's my opinion. imo both Stride and Zero Hour kick ass, as did the 1st Redemption disc.

theodyssey is clearly a troll in any case.
theodyssey said:
So i got the new Stride disc in the mail yesterday for review. Good thing i didn't drop any hard earned bucks on it. This has to be one of the most overrated bands i have ever heard of. I mean, it's not that they are any worse than any other pretentious, boring prog band, but the fact that people actually seem to like them just confuses the shit out of me.

Also, Stride sounds like a type of deodorant or a jock strap or something.
Dude are you smoking crack?It's an awesome disc!
I, for one, agree with TheOdyssey's opinion of Stride. I think they're heavily overrated, and their keyboards are intensely obnoxious.

And before anyone informs me that I don't like prog... I should mention that, although I listen to prog metal more for its "metalness" than for its "progressiveness", I also happen to listen to a lot of the same bands that guys like Barking Pumpkin listen to, for a lot of the same reasons. I don't think there's much originality, much heaviness, much emotion, or much of anything interesting in general, in most of what is referred to as "prog metal" nowadays, and most of the TRULY progressive bands out there are too far removed from the Dream Theater-esque typical prog sound to be mentioned in the same sentence.

However, I don't think Stride would be a good name for a deodorant. I think Degree Absolute is a much better deodorant name.
EDGUY!!! Cheesy and GREAT! I must admit I neither agree with some of the posts here, because true, yes that all have their own opinion and can state it, though I can't agree with some, I guess I can care less what people say about the bands I do like. If that was the case you know how many blabbermouth posters I would get a grey hair over when Rhapsody news is posted? And I do get angry.
I'm thinking of inventing a new flavor of cheese, and calling it "Rhapsody".

In a few years, you'll be able to go into a deli, and order a "ham & Rhapsody on rye". ;)