Why PETA should be shut down...

I've been battling depression and anxiety my whole goddamned life. If anything, I NEED a sense of humor about it to cope. Now you've hurt my feelings, I'll go listen to Linkin Park. <_< Or not.

I really dont find that funny considering I have Diabetes and how anyone could make any bit of a joke out of that is beyond me. I'd appreciate it if you refrained from doing so.

Get the fuck out, you newbie faggot.

Chromatose said:
There's just a lack of good cancer jokes. One day its time will come.

Eh, I've been trying to make some to help me get over my summer of working in asbestos infested shitholes and carcinogenic chemicals. The best I can do so far is openly proclaiming:

Seriously, seeing as the "joke" here that you have problems against revolves entirely around Brimley's pronunciation of Diabetes combined with a photoshop meme. Not once were you or your malady attacked. But way to be an attention whore.
Seriously, seeing as the "joke" here that you have problems against revolves entirely around Brimley's pronunciation of Diabetes combined with a photoshop meme. Not once were you or your malady attacked. But way to be an attention whore.

If thats it thats acceptable I guess...but that comic strip wasn't very funny.
You threw a fit because he posted a Wilford Brimley funny and I said we're not bending just because you don't find it funny and that a sense of humor is essential to the disease process?
If I came whining every time I had a depressive flareup or an anxiety attack, I'd be ashamed of myself. *cuts wrists and hides under bed, screaming* The key is to understand not everyone is sympathetic, but at the same time, keep a good enough sense of humor that it doesn't completely control your every thought.
DestructoSpin said:
The people in the Nevermore forum are pissed at me because I took offense to a joke on diabetes which I have...damn immature 13 year old bastards...

You tell 'em, tough guy.
If I came whining every time I had a depressive flareup or an anxiety attack, I'd be ashamed of myself. *cuts wrists and hides under bed, screaming* The key is to understand not everyone is sympathetic, but at the same time, keep a good enough sense of humor that it doesn't completely control your every thought.

maybe you just need a little...