Why PETA should be shut down...


The second half of this ruins the awesome that is the first. So you get only this one. Damn I love when he gets guest strips.
To the bat-mobile!

Yeah...this thread has become pretty much random pictures and comments....sooo feel free to post ridiculous...things

edit: I shall appologize for my outburst. I was in a very pissed off and bitchy mood and decided to take it out on people on the forum like a pansy faggot...soo I appologize and hope you all accept it lol
No, if you delete the thread, not only will you delete a lot of invested and arguably awesome posts, but I can also guarantee you'll piss off every other poster and *never* be welcome here. Once threads get this big, you leave it alone and start new ones. Leave it random, PETA needs no more publicity nor does diabeeetes.