Why that screenname?

Silver Incubus said:
Silver - Because its shiny, metallic in color and looks cool

Incubus- my first gf said I was a demon in the sack:tickled: So I took that thought, with my interst in dreams, combined that with silver and became the Silver demon that has sex with girls in their dreams.;) :D

a silver incubus would rule over the women.
Silver Incubus said:
hah you can never escape Incubi. We are the men your dreams are made up of :lol:

Shame you're canadian... Kinda ruins the image a bit..

"Oh my god, an incubus, make love to me!"
"...okay buddeh!"

I have ICQ as of right now, but my im upgrading this piece of shit slowly, I will be getting MSN soon though bro dont worry!
-Gavin- said:
Chefs parents are the best characters in SP EVER!

And you, ya bas'! You were gonna get MSN.

Chef's Father: Ooh, it must have been about seven, eight years ago. Me and the little lady was out on this boat, you see, all alone at night, when all of the sudden this huge creature, this giant crustacean from the Paleolithic Era, comes out of the water.
Chef's Mother: We was so scared, Lord have mercy, I jumped up in the boat, and I said, "Thomas, Thomas, what on earth is that creature?!"
Chef's Father: It stood above us looking down with these big red eyes...
Chef's Mother: Oh, it was so scary!
Chef's Father: ...and I yelled, I said, "What do you want from us, monster?" And the monster bent down, and said, "I need about tree-fitty."
