Why the mystery???

Why all the cloak & dagger stuff with Bush?

  • In order to convince Joey/Dan to play it is permenancy is hinted at, but not going to happen really.

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Chief & Wu are gonna make the call based on the success ($ or otherwise) of the tour.

    Votes: 14 73.7%
  • Shazza O thinks publicising this as temporary thing wont sell tickets and has contractually gagged.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • John hasn't decided what he wants, and it's all in his own hands...

    Votes: 2 10.5%

  • Total voters


New Metal Member
Apr 20, 2005
Long time browser, first time poster.

An the risk of sending you all off to sleep, please indulge me with my own Bush related thread....
Mr Wu has stated that he is not out, and we simply need to take his word for it.... my question is why all the cloak and dagger stuff???? Why no definitive comment? No mention of the man here....


Some of these have already been mentioned, but I am interested in what the great and the good of this board think.
It's simple.


That's the only reason for any of this. Scott doesn't want to alienate Bush fans, so he's keeping quiet until he has assessed what line up will make the most cash. That doesn't mean I think he's wrong or a 'sell out' or whatever. It is what it is.

The great of the board has spoken!

It's definitely money and why not? Everyone has bills and I really don't think the music business has the greatest 401k. I really have no problem with the reunion all that much as long as it is not permanent & John comes back and they make more records. If they don't take John back and decide to do the Joey thing permanent because it's bringing in more money, well more power to them. Like I have said before, I listen to plenty of other bands and this thing hasn't cost me any sleep at night.
dutchy said:
I still don't see the $$ thing, how can you make money touring shitholes like Harpo or small clubs like HOB?? break even?? maybe?? but hit the big $$$$$$$$$$$ no way !!!!

Well Dutchy, have you kinda noticed the publicity this has generated for Anthrax? I don't ever remember reading about Thrax in Rolling Stone lately like I did after they announced the reunion. They are getting loads of publicity out of it and well, good for them.
dutchy said:
I still don't see the $$ thing, how can you make money touring shitholes like Harpo or small clubs like HOB?? break even?? maybe?? but hit the big $$$$$$$$$$$ no way !!!!

They're playing the Barras in Glasgow. Ticket prices usually hover between £12-17 for this venue. My Anthrax ticket cost me £19.50. They'll make money. Why else would they be doing it?!
Well, I am sure they will be close to headlining if not headlining at alot of the festivals in Europe, which means more greenbacks. Where they would be further down the bill w/ Bush is what I am saying. With the reunion, they have kinda put themselves in a headlining position
theres one choice missing: they wanted to do an ANNIVERSARY reunion tour. y'know celebrate the past that got them here,ect. Although i do think if they get good crowds they might think about 'extending' the reunion...and who wouldnt? if someone offered you a 1000 dollars/whatever your country has would you tell em to stuff it? i wouldnt.
But I still want john back!
stomp224 said:
theres one choice missing: they wanted to do an ANNIVERSARY reunion tour. y'know celebrate the past that got them here,ect. Although i do think if they get good crowds they might think about 'extending' the reunion...and who wouldnt? if someone offered you a 1000 dollars/whatever your country has would you tell em to stuff it? i wouldnt.
But I still want john back!

Nahhh, I hate money, that stuff like gets you things that you want. It also helps feed/clothe/shelters you and makes life a little easier. Now who would want that shit? Not me:loco: Although, I do want Bush back in the band too
I really do think Bush will be back, and more records will be forthcoming. I also think that Frankie is back for good. A tour with this line up is all it's going to be.
Cor, I wish i live our your way! Frankie on tv! All we get is bloody maddona and kylie (good to watch with the sound off!) and an assorment of shit pop acts (busted)