why why why why MIkael alway wear a black shirt in every Performances

hey a lot of young student like metal music , because this kind of music is really fucking great.
and i have a band ,we want to make the music like DT(funny??just laugh).and we try our best to do that ,we will improve our skill of playing guitar,bass,drum.

i will practise Growling and screaming hardly .

sorry for my poor english and bad typing.

你好! 你是中国人吗
你好! 你是中国人吗

是呀 我高一了 英语不是很好 交流有问题
哈哈 你留个联系方式吧
是呀 我高一了 英语不是很好 交流有问题
哈哈 你留个联系方式吧


So it's really better for me to speak English..it's nor a year that I'm studying Zhong Wen, so there are so many traditional symbol forms that I don't know yet..I've just got some basic grammar and some symbol..when I'll be improved at it, we'll speak again (next year begins the second year of the firsr three I have to do..) if I got some problem can I ask you? :lol:

So it's really better for me to speak English..it's nor a year that I'm studying Zhong Wen, so there are so many traditional symbol forms that I don't know yet..I've just got some basic grammar and some symbol..when I'll be improved at it, we'll speak again (next year begins the second year of the firsr three I have to do..) if I got some problem can I ask you? :lol:

:lol: of course you can . haha

Sorry that I post this here but your avatar looks like the two front legs of a dog with black fur and a wig :lol: :lol: :zombie: . Greetings to Mikael.
The herd of ignorant fucks that answered this topic made me laugh. If you can't stand reading bad english just leave the thread. You have to realize that not everyone on the planet is a native english speaker.
I don't think you understood what was meant. They weren't talking about him being unable to speak English but to mistype words out of carelessness. For example he wrote ues instead of use and frist instead of first just to name a few. That is something he should do better and I am sure he will and there is no need to call the people here ignorant fucks.
The herd of ignorant fucks that answered this topic made me laugh. If you can't stand reading bad english just leave the thread. You have to realize that not everyone on the planet is a native english speaker.

Speaking of bad English: fuck your mother.
I still wonder if, after some time, the everlasting-worn clothes wouldn't start to grow another form of life... Because even if he's got a pair of them, doesn't mean he washes them, huh ?

This is getting deeply philosophical :rolleyes:
It is like in Star Wars where the robots start to get their own personality when their memory isn't erased every now and then. Mikael's shirts probably have their own personality, too, since they haven't been washed for centuries (I assume) and if he washed them now, wouldn't it be murder? Is a T-shirt's life worth as much as a human life? Will the T-shirts return to their homeplanet someday? I have no idea.
That's a good question... Thing is, i guess the shirts are beyond the point where they're just dirty. The thing that puzzles me is that, despite the new form of life and dirt and all, the smell is amazing. So is it Mikael who smells that good, or is it the shirt ?

Because the clothes might just take over the guy, as a first step to take over the world. You never know...

Some have come to destroy us, some have come to protect