
bleed_black_orchid said:
it was the misleading little faces that made me think it was some kind of sexually orientated post.

sitting on someones face is my favourite kind of gesture
maybe you had your "sexual interpretations" sense on, and what is the meaning behind of siting on someone else's face? are we talking about cunnilingus??? now i need to know this...

and yeah, the news from the tsunami are heartsicken, people just take whatever chances they have to make money.... sick sick world :cry:
breaklose said:
i just wonder where all that money comes from, and why countries like the usa or all the european countries, why dont they spend that money on all their daily problems?

yeah, brutal problems like soaring petrol prices and uncontrolable teens
Just read that Germany and Australia decided on further funding of up to 500 million dollars each.

Damn, I will feel obliged to update this every time I read stuff like this.
Bambi said:
so the jews founded israel as compensation for the swiss keeping all their gold?? thats not making sense here captain :err:

neh that wouldnt make sense; you took it out its context cos you wanted to.
i was just slightly referring to the Palestinian conflict, and the fact that ppl will always look for things to be compensated when taken away from them at first.
what context is there? lets look at it in its full context

mehdi sez
and they nicked it from the jews.

so you say:
then the jews wanted compensation and took (promised) land.
there's always someone to blame eh

i think its fair to say that one can infer from this that you meant the jews took the promised land as compensation for the swiss nicking their gold or possibly as compensation for some other grievance that no one has actually mentioned. Im saying that doesnt make any sense as the jews were campaigning for the foundation of israel long before then. no need to get defensively offensive about every questioning of glib remarks y'know :p
Bambi said:
what context is there? lets look at it in its full context

mehdi sez
and they nicked it from the jews.

so you say:
then the jews wanted compensation and took (promised) land.
there's always someone to blame eh

i think its fair to say that one can infer from this that you meant the jews took the promised land as compensation for the swiss nicking their gold or possibly as compensation for some other grievance that no one has actually mentioned. Im saying that doesnt make any sense as the jews were campaigning for the foundation of israel long before then. no need to get defensively offensive about every questioning of glib remarks y'know :p

spot on, fair to say indeed. its also fair to say that, they say one thing on here then go into denial and get offensive :tickled: = they havent a fucking clue what theyre talking about most of the time, but to try and look e-smart. take it from my cup, be e-smart and shut your mouths talking about tragedy, it sure as hell bores the shit out of me, as i see and read enough of it elsewhere. at one with the earth? :loco: :tickled:
breaklose said:
i just wonder where all that money comes from, and why countries like the usa or all the european countries, why dont they spend that money on all their daily problems?

because it would cause inflatation (is that the word?).

and israel was a compensation, of sorts. but they didn't take it themselves, it was given to them.
i dont give a fuck if you read it within or outside its context or that i'm being e-smart, or that yer bored or too uptight or boring the shit outta me with the same line all the time :Spin: :loco: sort yerselves out with the ever-wanting-to-talk-people-down-but-won't-succeed-attitude.
now let's all have a beer for crying out loud :yell:
toolsofthetrade said:
i dont give a fuck if you read it within or outside its context or that i'm being e-smart, or that yer bored or too uptight or boring the shit outta me with the same line all the time :Spin: :loco: sort yerselves out with the ever-wanting-to-talk-people-down-but-won't-succeed-attitude.
now let's all have a beer for crying out loud :yell:
I'm just querying the logic behind that statement, so if you dont give a fuck you wont mind that, now will you?? ":p "


