
Walkin' down the streets
You look into a dump
You look into a dump and you say
Why why why why why why

Running down the highway
As fast as you can
You throw a tin can and you say
Why why why why why why

Tell me why tell me why
Tell me why do you destroy
And you try and you try
To destroy

Tell me why?

Gotta love the Kelly Family. I spared you the worst verses.
Allan said:




those people visited a place where i was in america a while ago. they're scary!
toolsofthetrade said:
then the jews wanted compensation and took (promised) land.

there's always someone to blame eh

so whos to blame for your historical ignorance then? :tickled: the first jewish colonies in what would later be called 'israel' were created in 1878 and thats something like...61 years before WW2. if you could stop putting homophobic and antisemitic comments in my mouth, thatd be sound aye aye like :erk:
Maqus said:
Jesus, Allan, what's up? I'm all right. I just found it funny how you put it.

Alright, sorry then.

That community there is based in Kansas, I lived there for a year, met some crazy folks, but never imagined such madness
toolsofthetrade said:
i dont give a fuck if you read it within or outside its context or that i'm being e-smart, or that yer bored or too uptight or boring the shit outta me with the same line all the time :Spin: :loco: sort yerselves out with the ever-wanting-to-talk-people-down-but-won't-succeed-attitude.
now let's all have a beer for crying out loud :yell:

oooo an edited post, he must be serious :Smug: