
HaloPhenomenon said:
Why does every forum have to contain a user that ruins everything about the forum by being a shithole and scaring people off? im pretty sure you know who i mean

you don't look scared off to me.

anyways, why would someone else be scared of someone on the intarnet?

plus, he's alright besides the random impulse porn posting.
no but i mean...people that come to the nevermore forum with that shitty first impression is not going to return...yeah its very intresting to share random intrests other than nevermore... anything but meaningless, boring, childish crying for attention.
HaloPhenomenon said:
no but i mean...people that come to the nevermore forum with that shitty first impression is not going to return...yeah its very intresting to share random intrests other than nevermore... anything but meaningless, boring, childish crying for attention.

I guess, but I don't see new members come here too often to begin with.

plus, if you look past the caps, he sometimes can be sensible. sometimes.

then again, thats in another forum.

PS. feskekörkan?
This thread could easily be answered by saying three words... "Lord Red Dragon"
I came here fairly recently and was not scared off by LRD. Plus, I had been a long time nevermore fan and did not feel like this board was so hugely off-topic that it really mattered. This board is fantastic, and the forum-Nazi's out there who would wish it said nothing but NEVERMORE NEVERMORE NEVERMORE can kiss my lovely scottish cherries :p
