Will Borknagar come back to the U.S.?


Genies and Sorcerers...
Apr 4, 2004
I missed the Emperor/Borknagar tour YEARS ago although I purchased a Borknagar shirt from that tour off of some guy on Ebay.
please say yes.
doubtful though, U.S. doesn't have much of a borknagar fanbase unfortunately.
keep your fingers crossed.
but if you do, please come to new york/new jersey...
alot of norgies in seattle too...ballard (a burb in seattle) was founded by norweigan fisherman.

So yeah...get over here already! I could get you guys a pretty good guarantee.
Dantven said:
alot of norgies in seattle too...ballard (a burb in seattle) was founded by norweigan fisherman.

So yeah...get over here already! I could get you guys a pretty good guarantee.
I still think that Lars should pick up the accordian, and they could do a Sons of Norway tour. The only other requirement would be that they learn "Nidelven".
Bah...... borknagar should come to portugal...
Guess I'm going to live to Norway...since a huge part of the greatest bands ever are from there. -__-
Bands to see before death:
-Behemoth (I've missed them TWO times :O )
-Freedom Call

Though I must confess that the gig I would love to see the most is behemoth.... (!)
It would be nice to put together some sort of "Ozzfest-type" tour with a number of bands from Scandinavia that don't necessarily have the draw in a lot of areas to fill a venue. It wouldn't have to be as huge, 5 good bands should do it, and if they could share backline, it'd take a lot of the logistical nightmares out of it.
Come to Massachussetts or Rhode Island!! I'd be the happiest person ever!! Bands I would kill to see: Borknagar, Taake (0.5% chance of happening), Dissection, and Horna(even less of a chance than Taake)