Will I live to see emptiness?


Mar 4, 2003
I was just curious becuase of all this war shit! Im sorta worried and dont want to be drafted away to some stupid war! I wanna listen to Katatonia. Anyone else worried about the fate of the world in the months to come?
So you think they'll draft you and send you down there? Don't they have enough volunteers? I thought there wasn't really a draft in the US...but then, things might look different when it's "war-time". When I lived in the States, I once got a phone call from some guy who asked me if I wanted to enter the armed forces (even though I was just an exchange student - obviously he was just going down a list of that year's high school graduates). Hence the impression I got.

I'd be curious to learn what happens to people in the U.S. nowadays who refuse or temporarily leave the country to avoid the draft.

Hey, at least Bush shows some concern for the people of Iraq. In his speech, he urged Iraq's militaries not to destroy oil sources (!), because "they belong to the Iraqi people". Man, this guy really cares. I was almost moved to tears.
