Will Katatonia ever come to Mexico?

Originally posted by Hobo
will they ever come to stockholm!



:lol: HAHAHAHAHA thats funny man....

:zzz: but really does anyone here can help me to ask the guys that?

I even tried to contact them by the booking e mail adress they have on the official site but no response.
I think that they can´t make worldwide tours just because they can´t afford it. I know many people in America would like to see them, but Peaceville is not that big label...

As for Stockholm...it´s a bit of a shame that a band from Stockholm has never played there...but i think the choice where to play doesn´t depend on the Katatonia guys...
they would come to Mexico if those fucking Dilemma and Chas save up money to bring them here.they preffer bringing bands that play black metal because more people will go to that