Will this be the end of it?

I mean Jon's music is essentially Savatage so I can deal with it, I just wanted to be able to see the whole band on stage at once. Rather then Jon with a "Tage Cover Band" so to speak. not to take away the credit of the musicians that Jon has selected because they are excellent, but do I wanna see Caffrey play on Edge of Thorns with Jon and Zak on stage together with Middleton Wacholz oh fuck yeah.
Yeah, or it could also mean that he wants the talk to stop so if they do decide to do some sort of reunion, it will be more on their terms, and not just the result of the demand.
I but do I wanna see Caffrey play on Edge of Thorns with Jon and Zak on stage together oh fuck yeah.

Well, that actually happened in 2008 during the Manticora, C2C and JOP tour. At the Yonkers, NY show (why would they play Yonkers, anyways lol), during JOP's set, he invited Zak and a very special guest who was there (Mr. Caffery himself) to perform Edge of Thorns. To me it was probably the closest moment I'd ever get to see the actual Sava lineup together again (it was better than WoMD since Zak missed that show).
meh...who knows? JOP has a new CD coming out that is coinciding with this new Sava compilation, so I'm sure Jon is hearing more about Savatage than usual. I don't blame him for not wanting Savatage rumors to overshadow what JOP is currently doing. With that said, Jon, O'Neill and Savatage in general is as predictable as tornados. I still don't think it would kill any of them to do one last Savatage show, with all members, in the Tampa area to put a lid on it all. The Eagles also said they would never reunite and look at them. :rolleyes:

Having just read the entire article, it doesn't sound in the least like he has any intention whatsoever of surprising us with a reunion show.
I still don't think it would kill any of them to do one last Savatage show, with all members, in the Tampa area to put a lid on it all.

Agreed with you. Although for obvious reasons, I'd prefer this show to either be in a certain festival in Georgia, or in New York City (just cause I live nearby). :lol:

Then again, if it's the final show, Tampa would be just fine.
Well, that actually happened in 2008 during the Manticora, C2C and JOP tour. At the Yonkers, NY show (why would they play Yonkers, anyways lol), during JOP's set, he invited Zak and a very special guest who was there (Mr. Caffery himself) to perform Edge of Thorns. To me it was probably the closest moment I'd ever get to see the actual Sava lineup together again (it was better than WoMD since Zak missed that show).

No it wasn't :lol: -joking

But, WOMD was a true Savatage reunion (minus the obvious) and was as close to seeing the real thing for me. Growing up in Tampa I was never able to see them back in those days for any number of reasons, not old enough (lots of clubs were 21+), etc..

For me, WOMD was amazing.
Well, that actually happened in 2008 during the Manticora, C2C and JOP tour. At the Yonkers, NY show (why would they play Yonkers, anyways lol), during JOP's set, he invited Zak and a very special guest who was there (Mr. Caffery himself) to perform Edge of Thorns. To me it was probably the closest moment I'd ever get to see the actual Sava lineup together again (it was better than WoMD since Zak missed that show).

meh...who knows? JOP has a new CD coming out that is coinciding with this new Sava compilation, so I'm sure Jon is hearing more about Savatage than usual. I don't blame him for not wanting Savatage rumors to overshadow what JOP is currently doing.

It's probably hard for this guy to promote anything new, since every interviewer for the past 10 years has probably shifted the focus of EVERY interview to Savatage.

I think Oliva handled the situation nicely in that interview.

He knows his current career is due to the success of Savatage, and he celebrates this by performing some of the material live.

As he said, "what else do people want"?

Look, everyone knows I am not the biggest Sava-fan here, but I do have to side 100% with Oliva on this one.

The man's trying to continue his career beyond simply milking the Savatage name. As a metal fan in general, I respect this.

I don't get why people are requesting a Savatage reunion. There will never be one. Period. Criss Oliva is not among us. Deal with it. I try every day to deal with it myself, but at least I figured out long ago that he will never play again.

As for Savatage after Criss, it wasn't too different to what you can see in the spring. Dates are up on the TSO site. Go see TSO, and be happy!
Conclusion: If you miss Savatage after 1993 - go see TSO.

The band Oliva has now is every bit as good as the post Criss Savatage era, in some ways even better.
Conclusion: If you miss Savatage's early years up to 1993, go see JOP! Musically it is the closest you will ever get!

I wish people would stop bitching about Savatage to Jon. In my opinion, he has turned in quality albums all his career. Some better than others, sure, but nevertheless; he doesn't have shit to prove. And his new album is the best Savatage album since "Edge Of Thorns".
TSO is not Savatage. I like TSO, but you arent going to hear Sirens at their concerts lol. Oh and TSO arent touring the west coast in the spring, so i cant go see them play Beethoven's Night live, which would of been cool. I havent seen them in 2 years, but it was the same stuff every year so i stopped going.

Lets hope the new JOP is better than the last one. I found it boring imo
You can hear Sirens at a JOP show. And before you all complain about him not playing your backyard, well, maybe he would if people would stop talking about Savatage and focus their interest towards JOP? :)
TSO is not Savatage. I like TSO, but you arent going to hear Sirens at their concerts lol.

Lets hope the new JOP is better than the last one. I found it boring imo

Which is exactly why Frode said... if you wanna hear older Sava material, go see JOP. If you wanna see post 1993 Sava, go see TSO.

Sirens came out in 83. That means you have a chance of seeing it at a JOP show.
As for Savatage after Criss, it wasn't too different to what you can see in the spring. Dates are up on the TSO site. Go see TSO, and be happy!
Conclusion: If you miss Savatage after 1993 - go see TSO.

I totally disagree.

I don't think ANY of the TSO albuns are nearly as good as the Zak-Era Savatage Albums (even BLN, which I find to be pretty good)... The live shows have a completely different vibe, a different audience... And it's very lazy to say that the music is the same, I really do not hear that.

By no means I am demanding a Savatage reunion... They should do whatever makes them happy, I am fine with that.

But I do miss Savatage. I think that what they had going on up to Wake of Magellan is better than absolutely everything that has come out since the end of Savatage (TSO, CIIC, JOP)...

I do enjoy all the new things going on! JOP is fine (the live shows are better than fine!!), I love some of the CIIC stuff, I go to TSO almost every year... But yeah, nothing really gets close to Savatage.
To play devil's advocate, I think the reason so many people keep asking is because of how JOP is portrayed. He's always playing Savatage songs at their shows. I'm always seeing comments along the line of 'JOP is Savatage now; if Savatage was around, these are the songs that'd be on their CD; etc.

Instead of beating around the bush stating this is the closest we'll get to Savatage (when it's like 90% Savatage basically), I think what people want to know is why not just BE Savatage. He's always throwing out TSO, logistics, Savatage never making money, and everything else.

Can JOP honestly be making so much more $$$$ then Savatage? Caffery has made it pretty clear he's all for Savatage. Stevens doesn't really do much with TSO besides studio stuff. Then just Middleton and Plate (not sure where their stance is).

I just think there's more here than meets the eye, and the fans can tell it.
The excuses on why there is no Savatage always seem just like that - excuses. Not actual reasons. Unfortunately, until they hear something more convincing - the demand will always exist.

To play a comparison - imagine if all the drama that happened with Stratovarius had not been made public. Say Stratovarius just broke up. Timo Tolkki went to a new band. Kotipelto did his own stuff. Etc.

Can you just IMAGINE the amount of people that would ask for another Stratovarius album or reunion every single time one of the members was interviewed? It would be insane...

Instead - we know the true details of what happened and how crazy it was, and I don't really see anyone asking for it. 95% of people basically know its never happening.

Yes - Stratovarius gets asked about every single interview, but really - its a huge thing to people. Its not an insult people asking, its just something that people want to read and care about.