Wintersun new album release


keep it metal
Jan 21, 2008
im wondering if wintersun will actually release their new album Time this year..
i was looking forward to it last year.
but they better tour the UK with the release! :worship: or i may kill myself..
yeah, that would be awesome
the first song i heard by them was death and the healing then starchild.. then i was hooked!
the track list sounds pretty cool, if its correct
I liked the album alot, but have been listening to it the whole god damn time when Ive been waiting for a new one and im a little tired of it...but im sure new one will kick my balls to the wall.
"Extreme Majestic Technical Epic Melodic Metal"

:lol: That cracks me up every time. Why do artists insist on being so specific?
Yeah the new album is only 6 tracks or something right?
But they are all long.
I thought the debut was awesome myself. Not perfect by any means, but it was pretty kickass.

Hopefully Time is released sometime this year.
one thing that's wierd - over 200 tracks per song. What the fuck are they doing? Even with 50 ambient tracks, a full orchestra with each instrument having an individual track and tons of keyboards, they're about 30 tracks past madness.
Well there are loads of different guitar parts and they probably mostly recorded multiple times.