
Damn. People really are close-minded and over-aggressive over here.

I merely pointed out my opinion, guys. No need to pull a dick move and attack me over it. If you'd look back at my edit (which was before anyone else posted), you'd see that I liked some Maiden songs here or there. It's just that 90% of the ones I've heard sound way too similar for my liking; only a few songs stand out for me.
Damn. People really are close-minded and over-aggressive over here.

I merely pointed out my opinion, guys. No need to pull a dick move and attack me over it.
your request is denied unfortunately this is cobot you are viewing and posting in
Damn. People really are close-minded and over-aggressive over here.

I merely pointed out my opinion, guys. No need to pull a dick move and attack me over it. If you'd look back at my edit (which was before anyone else posted), you'd see that I liked some Maiden songs here or there. It's just that 90% of the ones I've heard sound way too similar for my liking; only a few songs stand out for me.

Acctually, you didn't point out your opinion; you wrote "Maiden = :erk:", as it was a fact or something.
^^, I have no problems with opinions, but your opinion just isnt valid.
Opinions can't be right or wrong, because they're fucking subjective.

Bodomonkey said:
Acctually, you didn't point out your opinion; you wrote "Maiden = :erk:", as it was a fact or something.
I even clarified afterwards that it was my opinion, and people continued to attack me over it. So, no, moot point.
your request is denied unfortunately this is cobot you are viewing and posting in

PM from Butthurt Ruins said:
i am not provoking i am asking/demanding.
notice you are the one to bring up the flamewar issue (something you are good in)
you can lurk as much as you but if you want to take part in this thread at least have something related with this thread to say. and since you admit your self you don't play guitar and have nothing to say so what is the point of you saying something not related in it any way? for the post count?
its called spaming.

guitar player thread is the last decent thread without flamewars and all the other STUPIDITY that you are good at.

stay out of it. or have something worth saying to say.

Me said:
lol, fuck you. buy your own forum, them you tell me what to do asshole. are you on your period? you're flipping out over nothing. fucking commies.
