With MagSec's Encouragement, I'll start a fourth counting thread.

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I didn't say I would fuck it up....

I expected MagSec to piss people off by being an asshole.

And do you actually think Mark would ban me for that? He has banned 3 people ever, and people have done worse stuff than that and gotten away with it.

And I believe Mark has seen or heard about HMAS :heh:
I'm giving him a chance to be a normal user that posts here ..instead of a jackass

It's funny how he doesn't realize how easily I and 2 other mods can have him banned.
Especially after posting from the same computer with other user accounts, thinking I don't get to see things like these. : D

I don't have time for this shit.. he keeps persisting in this way he's gone.
I wouldn't do it.. but if he makes me I will.
MagSec4 said:
I'm giving him a chance to be a normal user that posts here ..instead of a jackass
I do make "normal" posts here. I have since before you registered here (although the few I made were lost, you can still find some a few days after)
You also have to realize that you make it fun to be a jackass here :)

Funny how he doesn't realize how easily I and 2 other mods can have him banned.
I doubt this. Mark would need to make a decision, not you and two other moderators. Also, name two other moderators who would want to have me banned.

Especially after posting from the same computer with other user accounts, thinking I don't get to see things like these. : D
Have you looked at the Opeth forum ever? There have been far worse multiple accounts long before you were here.

I don't have time for this shit.. he keeps persisting in this way he's gone.
I wouldn't do it.. but if he makes me I will.
Again, you can't ban me. Only Mark and Gonzo can ban people.
MagSec4 said:
Show of hands..

Who wouldn't really mind if Steve was gone
And who would
If you can make it so, then so be it. :)

When Megadeth was still around, I was an admin for the official megadeth.com site and had to deal with people like that for the longest time. They think they're bulletproof, but they can be shown otherwise. :D
I say ban him, and anyone who condones his idiocy. Steve, I reccomend you look at my thread i started a while back called, "WTF is with thes Counting threads. Steve, you are an idiot, and you are a nuisance to everyone here. i hope you get banned. these forums are for band related material only. If you want to start a fucking counting thread, go to a forum about numbers or math or somethig like that. Your a fucking moron, steve.
Steve said:
I've achieved my objective of getting this whole forum to hate me :)

bye :wave:
oh ok
well from what i've seen you're pretty much an asshat
trying to ruin a nice forum for everybody and anoying us

so mission acomplished

bye :wave:
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