

Very cynical
Apr 15, 2001
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Has anyone heard these guys? They are great! They're like Manowar, ever so cheesy...it's just the best.

I got the album Head of the Deceiver last Saturday and what can I say, they blew me away. The album only cost $2 US too! Hahaha! That's Quality! :D
Im a nerd with a comic collection that was valued at $4000 dollars (and that wasnt all of it) and the price is only going to go up.

Feel better? Mwahahahahaha ;)

The nerds will inherit the Earth!
Wrestling rocks! Gimme a hell yeah! :D

Not as much as they are worth, comics VERY rarely lose value below their cover price, and most will go up to varying degrees. Of course, finding people to BUY them is another story, but with the internet these days, theres always some nut on ebay looking to win them ;)
When I think of 'wizard', I think of little kids with scabby knees chewing sherbert lemon's and daydreaming about conkers and getting the lastest issue of Buster on the way home from school :p
You know what I have that is worth heaps
The very 1st ever Xena magazine and what was that show with Scully and Mulder in it?Well I have the very 1st comic as well.Plus numerous other stuff in the Xena comic and mag range