Woah, check out the UFO from ABC News 13 clip.

Oh yea... Getting freaked out yet?... Just wait until next week, we will see some more amazing films of UFO on Command.. hee, hee. Yea if it all works out, but just think if we get invaded instead by millions of insect head like aliens with an appetite for the human life force… :OMG:
Okay seriously now people, no joking now, but what I want to know is any opinions?

What if there is more video next week from Vegas what are you going to think?
Hmmmm........interesting. I have some friends in Vegas so I've sent the link to them. I'm sure we'll hear about it if things start jumping in the sky there! :err: Thanks for the wierd news! I love it! :headbang:
Here is the link to the news station with the original story. A guy sent it to me.


Here is the link to the news station with the original story. A guy sent it to me, but it shows that it's not a joke. I told ya' before, now just wait, I think things are going be changing soon. Remember when Washington state was illuminated by the “Meteor”? Yea and nothing like it as ever been chronicled before, and they said “oh yea just a once in a million year fluke…” right, I’m not so sure, because it went from Olympia to Port Angelous which is South to North East, but meteors fly from East to West, cause the Sun pulls them in from the meteor belt.. Right? Perhaps a show of power.
Now there a some saying it was balloons that were remotely controlled, well maybe it was, have to wait to see if this dude produces a flying saucer next week low over the city. We shall see.

Maybe I'm just a fool, but check out the Mexican Airforce Video below, but have you ever seen it before? I've heard plenty of people say this is a fake too, I not totally sure the Vegas thing isn't faked, but I know the Mexican airforce video is not faked.

Here’s something freaky, you see the UFO in my avatar? I used it because I saw one just like it floating around my house in East Bremerton when I was with my brother and a friend. Same altitude and time of the evening… I’ve seen them four times in the last 20 years. I’ve seen the disk, huge fire balls in California flying in tandem at rocket speeds from the water over Ventura and up into space, silver disk sideways, glowing crescent leaving a glowing tracer trail as moving through the dark sky at low altitude. I don’t know about everything on the .Net but higher life forms are real, how could it not be?

If you haven’t looked at the video below, then do take at look, if you can:

freaky yeah! i've heard alot of different theories and have done lots of reading on the subject - haha even wrote a report on it in 8th grade. so many anomolies with this universe - so much we've yet to learn! so many tricksters out there too. i've alwayz leaned toward science fact than fiction, so i need more pudding - cuz that's where the proof is. maybe bill cosby is an alien!!
At bottom is a link to a couple dozen home videos this dude made of the UFO he says he called upon; they are free.

Now they look alike, but it’s interesting after a while, because you can just seen them vanish, don’t look like they popped.

The thing that I like the most is I saw some silver or grayish looking orb last year fly from Green Mountain over Bremerton and Port Orchard at the same altitude and I tell ya’ it was hauling ass, cause it only took a minute or so and even those little air planes take much longer to cover that distance.

I hope this dude makes them come down over Vegas as he says, he said over the next 45 days, there will be waves of them and some will be over town for 2 says. We will see if it all comes true, man I hope it does, so I will take some people I can think of and rub it in their face! Hee, hee, yea I love hear these self-appointed expert scientists tell me how much they know now, so they will look stupid.

Here is the Prophet Yahweh's Free Sightings Video Page

- http://www.prophetyahweh.com/freeufos.htm

In there is the guy's official statements and videos.

Okay he seems sincere to me, kina' child like naivety about him; maybe that’s why he can do it, or maybe it's his expanded consciousness.

Well I believe he's getting UFO's to appear, because I’ve seen the orb too (hauling ass, that is...), last year, I have other weird sightings that I have seen that previously didn’t quite understand, but now it seems logical; okay judge for your self.

Isn’t it ironic that UFO’s were supposed to dismiss religion, but this dude invokes UFO’s with the name of God (I'm sure some people will get pissed off about that...)? Spooky!
Well did you see that Mexican UFO Fleet video? Beautiful isn’t it; like a star cluster, just think if Prophet Yahweh’s prediction comes true and 200,000 of the come down to take over, it would be a beautiful sight to see, better then the 4th of July.
Welcome back Maiden67 haven’t seen your posts in a while.

Okay did you see the video Prophet Yahweh just filmed of the Air force sending a dozen huge jets over Vegas to crisscross the blue sky for over an hour with chemical vapor trails in order to fog the sky?

Very creepy, you can join his group and down load the video, but it’s big so and lasts for over 10 or 15 minutes.

Anyway you can clearly tell that they are flying checker board patterns over the city limits from border to border laying out a fog. Yea the trails start on one edge of town then stop on the other, and then they come back to fill in the blank spots, seems desperate and Freaky!
Yahweh is just taking film of mylar balloons flying around. Probably from one of his buddies a few miles away. This would be real easy to fake.

Now that being said it doesn't mean i think we're alone. I just think we have more nut jobs then visits from E.T.
Kerry said:
Yahweh is just taking film of mylar balloons flying around. Probably from one of his buddies a few miles away. This would be real easy to fake.

Now that being said it doesn't mean i think we're alone. I just think we have more nut jobs then visits from E.T.

Well that’s cool, but I got news for ya’, you’re wrong, man the balloon theory is just too crude, but you should check out the other orb links I posted above, and as the author says, it’s intellectual laziness in order to say that they are balloons. Besides, I saw the orb flying over last year, and I will tell you they are for real.

Think about this, why is the Air force trying to lay smoke screens over Vegas; to hide weather balloons from public view? Hee, hee, yea that would be funny, but the funny thing is to watch them try.
Just my two cents:

I believe UFOs exist. Why? All a UFO is is an object, flying in the air that cannot be identified - an Unidentified Flying Object. I see them all the time until I get a better look. Then, they no longer are UFOs. They are jets, choppers, airborne infantry just dropped from the sky, etc.

I don't believe extra terrestrial UFOs exist in the abundance the media makes them seem to be. I think extra terrestrials probably exist (why would Earth harbor the only intelligent life?), but I am really skeptical if any have touched ground here on Earth.

Until extra terrestrials come by and blow up the White House with a single blast from a death ray or personally anally-probe me, I'll continue to be skeptical.