Woah, check out the UFO from ABC News 13 clip.

I'm getting weird but respectful looks from that gal now, and from some others too, they're thinking I have something to do with it, because I been trying to tell them in plain simple ways, and what a weird coincidence. That other guy that was there is our leader and he told me that she was really shook up by the sighting here at work; I think she’s contemplating new reality and is not quite sure what to make of the consequences. Nothing to be afraid of in my opinion.
This is really starting to get cool, but you just won’t believe what happened last Saturday, I know it’s hard to belive, but I’m not making this stuff up, but you must only take it at face value and just look for yourself.

I was at Mt. St. Helens, but on the way back out of the mountain both my wife and saw one of those beautiful white orbs bright glowing and glimmering about 1 kilometer strait above the crater.

I couldn’t stop, because I didn’t want to get slammed on the shoulder, but when we got around the corner to a turn out, the thing was gone. But it made me feel weird; they always make me feel weird.

It is true, it was oval shape, but I think I’m beginning to understand, I’m thinking that they are so elusive, in a way, because they want to make their presence know in a gentle way. That is all I can say, just keep looking, I can’t wait, I’m thinking some of you all will soon see one too; it’s a hunch, that’s all.
It’s seems kinda’ paranormal; check out these photos a guy here at my office just snapped the other night up here in Seattle:

One looks like a fireball flying right on by, I’ve seen those myself in California, and they can hall-ass; I think its’ a standard orb, because orbs are very bright objects in the broad daylight, so at night they look like light bulbs.

I know someone is probably thinking “oh these were copied of the web”, but they weren’t, just take it at face value and be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye open, it’s pretty cool.

