Woah, check out the UFO from ABC News 13 clip.

darthrya said:
Until extra terrestrials come by and blow up the White House with a single blast from a death ray or personally anally-probe me, I'll continue to be skeptical.

And see I didn't post because I typed something very similar to this, thought about it and dumped it. :D :D :D

I agree Untill I see one or I'm zapped in the keaster, well??????

And that Yahweh Guy Give me a break, He learned this trick from the same book that said some eighty year old guy freed the Jews from Egypt and then got lost in the desert with them for another fourty years???? I guess the chinese hadn't brought over an abacus yet so they got the numbers wrong.

See one time a long time ago I seen something at night that I just didn't believe was a plane or helicopter, I tried to figure out what it was as if flew over creating all kinds of noise, then I realised I was not to far from March AFB and that was that.
darthrya said:
Until extra terrestrials come by and blow up the White House with a single blast from a death ray or personally anally-probe me, I'll continue to be skeptical.

Do you know who Stanton Friedman is? He is a nuclear physicist who has had a serious interest
in flying saucers since 1958 and is an expert.

He has been all over TV since the 80’s; you must recognize him…

Okay this is a quote from him that stuck out to me:

>“Ego. If aliens were visiting Earth, they would call a press conference or ask
>to talk to the National Academy of Sciences. They haven't, so aliens must
>not be visiting. Flying saucers finish the job Copernicus started in taking
>man out of the middle of the universe. Priests fought Copernicus's ideas.
>Today guys in lab coats, rather than priestly robes, fight alien visitations.”

Check out his UFO Challenge:
darthrya said:
Again, I'll believe it when I see it. I don't discount the possibility. I believe in a higher force, and where there is God, anything can be.

You know I'm beginning to believe more and more in a spirtual connection with UFO's and the human race, because of things that well can't be shared, but take my word for it, each and every sighting I have ever had, did happen during moments and and things in which can't be shared but are personal.
Kerry said:
Oh that's just light reflecting off the lenses of our spy satalites. :D :D :D

What about the usual "Weather Baloon" thing? hee, hee, yeap, but this is a clear sign, things are going to happen:

Okay people the UFO invasion is poised happen, the fleets of orbs are now showing up over Mexico since the 24th, check out the new videos below, it will blow you away...

UFO Release: http://rense.com/general66/massive.htm
The UFO Video: http://www.rense.com/1.imagesG/UFOXalapaTV.mpg

UFO Release http://rense.com/general66/san.htm
The UFO Video: http://www.rense.com/1.imagesG/SanLUFOJune242005.mpg
this is a 6 part article by Richard Hoauglund describing the 8th moon of Saturn and how it could possibly be "made" by some intelligent people millions of years ago. It's a lot of reading but totally mind-boggling if you look at some of the facts. all the craters are hexagon shaped ,not round..
I'm reading part 6 today but the moon seems to be shaped more like an icosahedron than totally round and it has this mysterious ridge.. "after almost half a century of NASA’s looking, based on multiple surface features and orbital parameters, Iapetus seems increasingly unlikely to be a “purely natural moon” ….Exhibit #1: the baffling, highly geometric, precisely equatorial ~ 60,000-foot-high “Iapetus Wall.”
what do you think mini murray?

MindshakerAxeMan said:
this is a 6 part article by Richard Hoauglund describing the 8th moon of Saturn and how it could possibly be "made" by some intelligent people millions of years ago. It's a lot of reading but totally mind-boggling if you look at some of the facts. all the craters are hexagon shaped ,not round..
I'm reading part 6 today but the moon seems to be shaped more like an icosahedron than totally round and it has this mysterious ridge.. "after almost half a century of NASA’s looking, based on multiple surface features and orbital parameters, Iapetus seems increasingly unlikely to be a “purely natural moon” ….Exhibit #1: the baffling, highly geometric, precisely equatorial ~ 60,000-foot-high “Iapetus Wall.”
what do you think mini murray?


That moon thing is really weird. As far as our moon is concerned, it too has some weird things agbout it, and I've read that after tens of billions of dollars and a decade of effort to get there to study those things close up and in secret, but soon realized that they were traspassing, so they quit going after a few missions, and that's why they used military men for the flights, because they know how to keep their mouths shut.
The phoenix video earlier in this thread looks kinda fakey, I dunno. I didn't hear about these lights in any papers or TV, though of course it's possible I just didn't read or watch that day.
Here are some links to reports of UFO’s the are now coming down over Vegas. Some have said they’ve been filming them, but not posted yet.

Personally, I hope it’s all true, I hope the big UFO thing happens soon, I hope the Earth gets invaded and the UFO’s put the ‘Children of the Dammed’ out of their misery!

I’m getting fed up with this stinking plannet and all of the crap and all the lies and the stinking terrorism…

Here are some links to articles of reports people, in Las Vegas, are making to the very well known UFO investigator: Brian Vike - Director of Canada's HBCC UFO Research.


Okay here is a secret thing, but first you know what happened a couple weeks ago? Yea Seer Yahweh guy replied to my email, I knew why he did, because I knew he understood what I described, because I knew he must have see one too. He gets over 550 emails per day and can’t read or reply to all.

Here is the secret, have you ever prayed, well I have and 20 years ago I was on my back in the sand pits at night doing that talking to God thing, and a guess what happened, a white glowing space craft flew right over me at low altitude and it left tracers of light. I assumed it was a sign, but a sign of what I didn’t realize, but now getting older and having dreams and other experiences, I believe that something good is coming; for some of us anyway…

Personally I don’t care what anyone thinks, but I got more stories, and they are freaky, but not anymore freaky than anyone elses experiences.

I listened to this guy’s radio interview yesterday and he described a very simular craft tht he saw during a weird experience that he described that took place over 20 years ago near LA.
MindshakerAxeMan said:
this is a 6 part article by Richard Hoauglund describing the 8th moon of Saturn and how it could possibly be "made" by some intelligent people millions of years ago. It's a lot of reading but totally mind-boggling if you look at some of the facts. all the craters are hexagon shaped ,not round..
I'm reading part 6 today but the moon seems to be shaped more like an icosahedron than totally round and it has this mysterious ridge.. "after almost half a century of NASA’s looking, based on multiple surface features and orbital parameters, Iapetus seems increasingly unlikely to be a “purely natural moon” ….Exhibit #1: the baffling, highly geometric, precisely equatorial ~ 60,000-foot-high “Iapetus Wall.”
what do you think mini murray?


very interesting! - thorough too; i learned alot of kewl science stuff trying to understand it lol. the death star analogy was pretty lame tho - like darth vadar was zues :lol:
Anyone remember that video filmed about 7 years ago by some guy in Great Britan who captured an ORB with his camcorder when it flew down over the wheat field, did a circle and then the grass just smashed into a crop circle drawing?

Yea it was weird, but some crop circles are faked by artists proportioning drawings with a rope and a board in order to giggle about fooling people, but I don’t think that all circles are faked, not after seeing that video. I remember when they said “oh it’s a fake video”, but they’re wrong. Back then I knew nothing of ORBs, but the previous links in this thread show that hundreds of ORBs have been filmed in the sky, and it’s easy for me to accept because I saw one flying across the sky faster then the little airplains.

Something cool happened yesterday, here in Seattle we are up 31 floors in a tall building by the water and three of us were taling business and guess what… The gal here witnessed a tear-drop with cresent back silver metalic UFO fly right in front of the windows, not too far out, just like they inteneded for her to see… She kinda’ was freaked out, but not too much. Oooooooweeeeeoooooweeoooo, you know I’m glad that happened to my co-workers, cause they know around here that I am right and have been. It's true, but you just got to just take it at face value, but keep your own eyes open.