
TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
New Pink Cream 69 came out on Monday in Europe! I just went to their site and read some great reviews about it and then listened to the little sample clips... sounds like Pink Cream 69 will deliver once again!! They are one of the only bands now I have total faith in to release only good stuff. Ever since Electrified in '98 it was like a new start for the band and everything they've done since has been KILLER sounding melodic hard rock, totally slick with awesome production, great songs, big choruses, brilliant playing... just perfect hard rock. This one sounds like a mix between Electrified and Sonic Dynamite which is good enough for me!!

I can't wait to buy it now!!!!!

My favourite album of 1998 was "Electrified" by them.
My favourite album of 2000 was "Sonic Dynamite" by them.
My favourite album of 2001 was "Endangered" by them.

And by the sounds of it, it looks like it's probably gonna have to take a very awesome album (Vinnie might have to get down to work and release something!) to knock off their new one "Thunderdome" as my fave album of 2004!

Sonic Dynamite :) Also Electrified is good (but not as consistent or heavy) and Endangered is great too (though a little more tired than Electrified & Sonic Dynamite). The new one is sounding like the 3 year break has given them time to come up with something really fresh again though!

You might also like Games People Play, their 1993 album (the last one with Andi Deris on vocals). They dropped their glammy party sound from their first 2 albums on that one and went heavier and more serious and kinda sounds like a mix between Empire-era Queensryche, Slave-era SKid Row, No More Tears era Ozzy and Deris-era Helloween. Though definitely nowhere near as consistent or good as Empire or Slave To The Grind of course, just comparisons there in the sound!

Their last 4 albums are the best though (and I also love the first 2!). They really found their sound on these last ones and probably won't change it now, after massive changes between the first 5 albums.
I did pick one! Then I went and told you a bit about the other good ones too. And left off the 2 crap ones coz they suck. Though if you like Subhuman Race, Slang, Ultraphobic, etc then you might like them, I dunno.
Great, so I will like every cd :mad: :lol: Well thats good really I guess, though it does mean I have to buy a lot of them.
Well get Sonic Dynamite first. If you don't like that then you probably won't like the band (although the earlier stuff is alot different so you might still like some of that). Also if you don't like it, you're probably quite insane coz its awesome.

DAMMIT. I forgot to get a PC69 cd when I got some cds from amazon. You may as well yell at me Troops, everyone else has. Im going to have to make another order just to shut everyone up :)